cilla4progress's JournalTry this again.
I'm ashamed of my white privilege.
There. Fixed it.
As a white woman of means, I know it likely will not be i, who will succumb to COVID, police brutality, nor systemic oppression.
Doing what I can. Knowing its not enough.
I often speculate,
are we the country Obama saw? He was so good-natured about us, saw the best in us. He was not only smart and elegant and ethical but of good humor and good heart. He made me -us- feel good and proud to be American.
I don't know. I really just don't know.
Our pro athletes give me hope.
Character and courage.
DNC far greater
I think everyone, at home and abroad,
sees - knows - whats going on.
Does that mean there is the will to stop it?
Jury's still out.
What a shithole country we've become.
Noisemaking outside W House during drumpfster's speech tonight?
I read about planning for this on the tweet machine. Anyone know if it's happening?
Hope so!
When one side plays by the rules
and the other flaunts them, justice is but an illusion.
The ugliness and chaos is getting to me.
Anyone else?
I'm angry much of the time. I need relief.
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Member since: Sun Nov 14, 2004, 12:48 PMNumber of posts: 25,437