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nxylas's Journal
nxylas's Journal
October 19, 2015

Genius trolling

Check out the first response:

June 30, 2015

Crowdfunded bailout of Greece

Hardly realistic, I know, but wouldn't it be great if the forces of austerity and capitalism-without-democracy were defeated by millions of ordinary people showing #SolidarityWithGreece


April 9, 2015

Petition to Facebook to allow use of monastic names

As you may be aware, Facebook has recently instituted a new policy that monastic names are no longer allowed. Abbot Tryphon, an Orthodox abbot, was ordered to use the name on his birth certificate, a name he has not used in over 30 years. This petition specifically relates to Orthodox monastics, but I know Catholic monks and nuns are given new names when they are tonsured too. I don't know if there is a separate petition for them. I don't want to sound like one of the "war on Christmas" crowd, but this seems like a petty regulation that benefits nobody. Please sign the petition at: https://www.change.org/p/facebook-mark-zuckerberg-maxine-williams-stop-stripping-orthodox-christian-clergy-of-church-names-on-facebook?hc_location=ufi

April 9, 2014

Pittsburgh Bald Eagles

Webcam in an eagle's nest:


My wife is completely addicted to this site.

March 12, 2014

Public Transportation Trends Expose Ecological, Economic and Social Crossroads

U.S. travel by public transportation soared last year to its highest level in nearly six decades, a report revealed Monday—marking what many say is a positive step that underscores the need for broader environmental and social justice.

"This is a very good thing with respect to global climate conditions, but we need more improvements nationwide," said Barbara Lott-Holland co-chair of the Los Angeles Bus Riders Union, in an interview with Common Dreams. "If we are serious about reducing our dependence on fossil fuels, we need to dramatically change the mode of transportation from single passenger automobiles to zero emissions public transit."

With a record 10.7 billion trips nationwide, public transportation use has been climbing for decades, reveeals the report released by by the American Public Transportation Association. Ridership is up 37.2 percent since 1995, yet the U.S. population has only increased 20.3 percent since then. Furthermore, the report finds that 2013 was the eighth year in a row that ridership exceeded 10 billion trips across the country, amounting to an increase of 1.1 percent from the previous year, compared with a 0.3 percent increase in vehicle miles nation-wide.

Virginia Miller, spokesperson for APTA, told Common Dreams that use of public transportation increased "when the economy started to come back." She said that "nearly 60 percent of trips on transit are for work commute," citing data the association collected between 2000 and 2005.

More at: http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2014/03/11-5
February 21, 2014

Peggy Noonan writes the most ironic, un-self-aware column in the history of Western civilization

Rahlly she does. From Kos:

Reagan had accomplices, of course. One of them was his best-known speechwriter, Peggy Noonan. The first actor to become president understood the importance of his scriptwriter, and Noonan painted some of the prettiest word pictures that distracted folks in the era of Other People's Money. Even after writing "Read my lips, no new taxes" for George H.W. Bush, she managed to parlay her fame into a lucrative career as a columnist and a pundit.

And now from the lofty heights of the Upper East Side, Peggy Noonan is shocked, sch...well, you know, she's surprised and dismayed that the culture of greed that her boss and his minions unleashed has now metastasized into something, well, ugly.

Her column starts with a rant about "House of Cards" -- proving that as trenchant social commentary, "HOC" should be seen as a damn entertaining political fantasy, and nothing more. But it's interesting that Reagan's speechwriter would say this:

I don’t understand why members of Congress, the White House and the media become cooperators in videos that sort of show that deep down they all see themselves as . . . actors. And good ones! In a phony drama. Meant I suppose to fool the rubes.

More: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/02/19/1278909/-Peggy-Noonan-writes-the-most-ironic-un-self-aware-column-in-the-history-of-Western-civilization#comments
November 16, 2013

Dispatches from a previous war on women

A letter to the UK Daily Telegraph, from 100 years ago:


October 18, 2013

Stratfor softening us up for dictatorship?

This article from the director of Stratfor, the Texan company exposed by Wikileaks as part of the "intelligence-industrial complex", appeared on the influential center-right (as opposed to batshit crazy TeapubliKKKan) site Real Clear Politics. It basically argues that dictators can be divided into "good" dictators like General Pinochet and some southeast Asian dictators, who dutifully advance the goals of the 1%; and "bad" dictators, like those crazy Muslims with their inconvenient belief that usury is a sin.

I wonder if we're going to see a steady drip of articles like this in the future, followed by lots of pundits questioning whether democracy is really all it's cracked up to be, followed by...?

(Note: although the article doesn't mention Obama, the comments thread is predictably full of wingnuts going "You know what makes someone a dictator? Presidenting while black, that's what", and ignoring the actual content of the article completely.)

October 8, 2013

Tammany Hall: a (partial) defense

Found this article challenging the conventional view of Tammany Hall as a byword for the Democratic Party's corruption at an unexpected source: the conservative blog Front Porch Republic. Though perhaps "traditionalist" would be a better descriptor, now that "conservative" has become a virtual synonym for "fascist".

When they were doing their jobs, the bosses (the word is a New York one, from the Dutch Baas, meaning master; a word that has spread from this archipelago off the New Jersey coast to the entire English-speaking world) looked in two directions. They looked out for the interests of their wards in Albany and, to a degree, in Washington; they also looked out for the individual interests of the pushcart vendors getting hassled by the cops and the sandhogs digging the foundations for the Brooklyn Bridge and the brides under their chuppas: everyone who either had a vote, or had the ear of a man with a vote.

In the most cynical terms possible, in modern politics votes are acquired through advertising, which is guided by the findings of public relations experts using the psychological technology of the focus group and the poll. Since 2004, House and Senate races have been won by the candidate who spent the most money between 83 and 98 percent of the time. The intimacy and persuasion needed in vote-getting are generated primarily through the medium of the TV screen, and the direct financial beneficiaries of that money are, of course, the TV stations.

By contrast, in Tammany New York, votes were acquired through social contact and practical favors, financial and legal assistance, jobs and drinks at the pub. The direct financial beneficiaries were, yes, the politicians and the businessmen who got contracts at far above the market price– but also the poor families whose rent got paid, the boy who got a job working for the new El being put up along Greenwich Street and 9th Avenue, the couple whose hotel room was paid for when they were burnt out of their apartment.

In less cynical terms: Tammany was a corruption, but it was a corruption of something good: the idea that government should, as Plunkitt said, be “warm and personal;” that decisions should be made locally; that rulers should directly and practically help the ruled; that there should be an everyday and immediate connection between the politicians and the people.

More at: http://www.frontporchrepublic.com/2013/10/the-once-and-future-boss-the-possibilities-of-tammany-hall/

Profile Information

Name: Nick Xylas
Gender: Male
Hometown: Bristol
Home country: England
Current location: Bristol
Member since: Sat May 13, 2006, 07:28 PM
Number of posts: 6,440
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