Trueblue1968's Journaltomorrow i will take covid test
think i have it. nasty lungs, temperate 101
headache bad, body aches. lots of coughing junk. i sound like a man now, my voice is horrible
hubby works at a store and he wears a mask all the time. we are both sick
just so darn funny. FAUX is crying in their beard. Whining about Biden beating Rump
.... the reason Biden won they are saying is cuz Twitter would not put naked Hunter pictures on.
WELL CRAP. if it is good for the goose, it is good for the gander. TWITTER WOULD NOT PUT NAKID MALARIA OR NAKID IVANKA EITHER
and there are waaaaaaaaay more NAKEDS of Rumps ladies than there are about Hunter.
i got in trouble couple times posting "bad pictures so i know twitter wouldn't let pictures of NAKED ANYONE.
The Right are cry babies. lets take up a collection and buy them some whine and cheese. The right has a fixation on N a k e d. I wonder why ?????
IT IS SNOWING ...... Oregon
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Member since: Wed May 2, 2007, 03:22 PMNumber of posts: 18,380