royable's JournalHow would the cult members behave, as individuals, if he personally accounted that...
...he was going to murder THEM?
Not in an indirect way, like denying COVID was spreading like wildfire, or vaccinations are deadly, but telling them to their face that they are evil and must be eradicated? Would they resist, oh no, sir, youre wrong! Or would they happily jump into their graves because the orange pistule is god?
Sunshine of the Spotless Feral Hogs
Seven Years in Feral Hogs
The Feral Hogs Story
12 Angry Feral Hogs
400 Feral Hogs
One Hundred and One Feral Hogs
The Wizard of Feral Hogs
Gentlemen Prefer Feral Hogs (eew!)
Who's Afraid of Feral Hogs?
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Feral Hogs
Mitch McConnell said that ...
"I am comple--
--tely recovered."
There used to be one page. Accessed from a tab at the top of every page,
that led to a page that listed ALL forums. If I didnt see the one I was looking for among the groups they were filed under, I could do a find with my web browser. I havent yet located any page on DU4 that lists ALL forums. Such a thing would be very helpful, I think.
Hmmm....I did a search for forums and found this page:
Which does list all forums but not in a user-friendly format, especially on a phone. And I still cant find any link that leads to that page or a pretty version of it.
Gorgeous photo, and beautiful land below! You found a particularly spectacular location.
Thank you for sharing. Whereabouts on the Rim is this? As you very likely know (but for the benefit of those who don't), it's a very long escarpment, running at least a couple hundred miles from west of Sedona, eastward into the Gila Range of western New Mexico.
It could also have something to do with greater human population on the planet,
crowded into places that are more easily habitable, such as river valleys and flood plains.
Could also have to do with increasing fraction of the population living in terrible poverty.
If there's torrential rainfall in a place no one lives, or lives downstream from, we don't care so much.
It doesn't matter.
If people around the world look to the west at sunset, whatever their time zone, they'd see the sun setting, sitting out there in the direction of space that the sun is in relative to Earth on that day.
Similarly, just before dawn, on a given day, people around the world could look to the northeast and they're looking out in the direction of space where there just might happen to be a comet.
Caveat: This may not be true at extremely high latitudes, beyond the Arctic or Antarctic Circles, at particular times of the year and what patch of sky you'd like to see, since the Earth itself might be in the way of that direction.
Order an e and get shipped a w...happens all the timw! n/t
That's my President! Way to lead!
My last booster was late last fall, and I've been waiting for a shot this fall with the new formulation.
I continue to wear a N95 mask whenever I'm in a crowd, or public place or with people I don't know well to know whether they themselves are careful. And I haven't caught COVID yet (fingers crossed), nor any cold or flu since a cold I had in late 2019.
I'll be among the first in line as soon as the new shot is available!
One of the several nasty things that the defendant's posting accomplishes
is to simple keep the defendant in your head all week and weekend, on HIS terms. How could he post that? Whats he going to say on Monday? Whats he going to reveal? Is he sane? Is he perfectly aware hes gaslighting us or does he really believe it all?
It doesnt matter. The defendant is doing the schtick that he always does, perhaps a bit more frenetically than usual, but this is the same old same old.
Instead of thinking about his garbage, we should read the Fulton County indictment and the charges against him, or watch a classic film or see a new play or listen to a love song or great symphony or read an inspiring essay or biography or classic novel or fresh poem. Or take a walk or be creative or cook a beautiful meal or plan a fun party or make a new friend.
He wants you to think about HIM. Thinking about his crap gives him rent free lodging in your brain. Hes pouring haystack over the pile of needles that are set to prick him like hes never experienced before in his empty, sad, narcissistic life.
The defendants garbage RIGGERS dog whistle should go right into the pile of material that the jury will consider so as to convict him and submit him to the meat grinder of justice. Im going to do my best to think as little as possible about this sorry excuse for a human and his sorry attempts to drive the narrative, and go on with my week.
Ive had my fill of this worthless troll.
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Member since: Tue Oct 28, 2008, 06:25 PMNumber of posts: 1,320