Dorn's JournalFire's do seem to be getting earlier
I use to get maps with the current conditions. The amazing thing is the size of the smoke plumes, the fires in New Mexico have almost reached Chicago.
Haven't had a cold since 2020 -- thank you masks!
As weird as this sounds, I will be wearing a mask for a long time, I've avoided colds since 2020 and I do not see a reason to increase my likelihood of being sick for a week or more.
This discussion makes me sad
I dislike Republicans but not as much as others dislike Nina. W@Bh=
I am afraid the increase is too small, whatever you do: don't look up
The number of truck vans and trucks in the passenger fleet is completely unnecessary. I remember people having cars and getting to the store, and hockey games, and driving to our vacation home, and work. I read books instead of watching DVD players, and the cars my folks had got about the millage my car gets now ~30 MPG. You may not like it because you've been sold a need that you don't need. Amazingly there are people today who don't have cars at all, my children, 3 of my nieces and nephews. I drive my car so little the dang battery keeps dying. Final thought: my family had 7 people yet we survived and thrived on many trips between Detroit and Chicago in a car.
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Member since: Sat Oct 17, 2009, 05:22 AM
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