MiddleFingerMom's JournalTaking your indoor cat out for a walk is a joy. No, really!!!
Not many of you know that MiddleFingerMom used to be a newscaster for a major network, The proof?
MiddleFingerMom has opened up a wildly successful chain of yoga salons.
Anybody else out there heavy into S&M?
Women, remember this: Sooner or later your Grandma, bad heart & all, is gonna wanna see that tattoo.
Remember, bridesmaids' dresses don't really HAVE to be frumpy.
(If you're looking for nerds for the next few days, they'll be in their bunks.)
If you see the Po-Po, warn a brother.
More scientific news that DEMANDS thst we fund research as WELL as development:..
Basic eye structure discovery:
Problem is... nobody TOLD Republican politicians there'd be "sciencey stuff involved.
Don't forget to walk Obama's kids.
MiddleFingerMom found a way to mix business AND pleasure on the boardwalk.
Profile Information
Gender: MaleHome country: U.S.A.
Current location: Arizona
Member since: Thu Dec 31, 2009, 03:49 PM
Number of posts: 25,163