DippyDem's JournalHaha! Anderson Cooper messes with RWNJ Jim Jordan's head
CNN host Anderson Cooper put Ohio Representative Jim Jordan in the hot seat Monday night, grilling the conservative lawmaker on the topic of whether he'd ever heard President Donald Trump lie. After trying to deflect the question, Jordan eventually shook his head and said, "I have not."
"I've never heard the president... He's always been square with me, that's for darn sure," Jordan said when asked if he'd heard Trump make false claims. When Cooper pressed the lawmaker on whether Trump had said untrue things to the public, Jordan attempted to deflect the question, hesitating over his answer, and then said, "I don't know of it. Nothing comes to mind."
Cooper then brought up the widely circulated compendium of the president's lies, published by The Washington Post. Jordan said he had not seen the article.
The two had been involved in a discussion about Former FBI Director James Comey when the exchange took place, specifically referring to Comey's claim that Trump is a "serial liar" who is "morally unfit" to be president. Jordan didn't hesitate to call Andrew McCabe, former deputy director of the FBI, a liar.
A few more paragraphs plus short video at
Fuck Jim Jordan. He is one of the worst RWNJ and an extreme liar. I hope people of Ohio gets to vote the fuckhead out!
Tweet from Rachel Maddow! Wow! Obstruction of justice, including dangling pardons to grand jury!
https://twitter.com/maddow/status/984532109414096896The Orange Shitgibbon is screwed!
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