redstatebluegirl's JournalMy Grandfather used to say
Republicans and Democrats spend the same amount of money, it is what they vote to spend it on that makes the difference. Republicans spend and vote on corporations and "things", Democrats spend on people. BIG DIFFERENCE! I thought about this after reading Ted "Joe McCarthy" Cruz talking about Net Neutrality.
BTW Grand Daddy died in 1976. The more things change the more they stay the same.
Where are the people who are polled when it is time to vote?
You see all of these polls that show people are in favor of gay marriage by a large margin, do not want their education dictated by religious institutions, believe in separation of church and state but yet when it comes to electing the morons who vote against what the majority wants, they vote for them!!!!
So much angst down here in Oklahoma over the AP History curriculum bill put forward by a Baptist minister who got elected to the legislature and runs around dressed like a Patriot from the 1700's, but somebody voted for this nut! I have even talked to Republicans here who can't believe what they are seeing out of him and Sally Kern, but when push comes to shove they vote straight ticket Republican. It is almost like they are unable to ever vote for another party or become informed about what the candidate and the party stand for.
There have been Democrats here I have not been able to vote for because I could not handle their views on issues I care about. I left it blank because the alternative candidate was worse. I have voted for Republicans, back in Illinois where there were some moderates that I could handle. Those do not exist any longer.
People voting against their own interests and ideals.
This country has become so angry.
This morning I saw two people in their 50's almost get into a fist fight at breakfast in a small mom and pop restaurant. The topic, the death of 3 Muslim students in North Carolina. I did not hear all of it, but what I heard was Fox talking points, some from Rush and the other man trying to speak about how not all Muslim's are violent crazy people, any more than thinking all Christians burn abortion clinics and kill doctors. It did not take long for dishes to hit the floor and a couple of other men close by came in to calm the situation down.
It seems like all of us are on the edge all the time. Financial pressure, the way the world is at this moment when fueled by tv and radio nuts on both sides keep this country and others a spark away from explosion.
We have a violent past as a nation, the way African Americans were lynched and burned leading up to the civil rights movement, and since. The way Native Americans were treated and are treated. Violent reaction to things we don't like is not limited to Muslim countries.
These two men, looked like my Dad at that age, just normal guys out for breakfast. What a mess.
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