OLDMDDEM's JournalIf a zygote is a person, like the right wants to think
Can that zygote be taken as a dependent on your income tax return? All that would be required is a name and social security number of the zygote. If it is challenged in tax court and you lose due to the court saying that zygote is not a person, can you then challenge it in a higher court thru Citizen's United. A zygote is more of a person than a corporation is a person. A corporation does not file a personal income tax return like a normal person does, nor was it conceived as humans are conceived, therefore, based upon a corporation not being a zygote or a human that files a personal income tax return, a corporation would appear to not be a person and therefore, not be allowed the right of free speech.
Any thoughts?
This is crap!
Martin was one of the best hosts on MSNBC in a long time. His remarks were truthful and contained language not made for TV, but at least they were truthful. IF the truth is not what MSNBC wants on their channel, then Martin should have been fired. Having listned to him for quite a while now, he was honest in his assessments as well as tolerant of the "right" and their antics. How does someone show his/her assessment of a situation without possibly using a wrong word once in a while. How many times times have we seen/heard O'Reilly, Limbaugh, etc spew filth that would make all of us cringe? Martin was of great value to MSNBC and he will be missed. Replacing his opinion and journalistic way will be difficult. Good luck Martin, I hope you find a good home.
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Name: Cary KrenkGender: Do not display
Hometown: Bowie, Maryland
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Current location: Maryland
Member since: Thu Aug 16, 2012, 11:46 AM
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