OLDMDDEM's JournalI wonder when
I wonder when something like this would come to a relaity. In another post, I said that taxes should go back to the Clinton tax rates. When, not if, but when raising taxes works in paying back all that we owe, I wonder when the Faux kids will take credit as it being their idea.
We know
We know that the Repugs will use this against Obama as raising taxes on the middle class. Their problem is that they know it's the right thing to do. Put the rates back to the Clinton era and shut up.
I don't get it
With all that we know about Robme, why would anyone (women especially) want to vote for him. I work in Virginia (at the Washington Beltway) and the women I work with would not vote for him. Are the others brain dead? Why would anyone vote for him? He's an empty suit and his debate performance showed it.
I couldn't have said it better
Biden won, plain and simple. Lyin' Ryan lost and the Rs know it. Priebus was complaining about all the times that Biden interrupted Ryan. The lefties did that after the first Obama/Romney debate. Dems lost that one but won this one.
My dad would have called Ryan
S**t for brains. There is only one thought in the Republican Party. That is to do whatever it takes to destroy Obama so there is no second term. Hopefully, people will see through that especially after last night's debate. Lyin" Ryan was just that - - - - a liar.
Biden had passion
Ryan looked like he was in a fog. Yes, he answered the questions, but the answers were simply RW talking points. Nothing was genuine (from the heart).
Instead of a pat on the head
Biden should have simply told Ryan to grow up. Lyin' Ryan spouted lie after lie last night.
Biden called it as many of us saw it
It was malarkey. Maybe the public will wake up and see that the RW are lying their way to a hopeful victory. Obama needs to call out the Romney "malarkey" next week.
I agree
Biden ripped Ryan where it hurts (taxes, abortion, Medicare and Social Security). People need to wake up.
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Name: Cary KrenkGender: Male
Hometown: Bowie, Maryland
Home country: USA
Current location: Maryland
Member since: Thu Aug 16, 2012, 11:46 AM
Number of posts: 2,182