imanamerican63's JournalDoes Trump look overly tired?
The reason I ask this? He says he has more stamina to be President than Hillary! Ummm? Hillary endured 11 1/2 hrs in a hearing with the Congress and she has travelled all over the world and has never looked so tired like Trump does after his first trip overseas!After all the crazy news of the past 2 weeks about Trump and his scandals.......
Why are there so many of the GOP willing to put their careers on the line for this clown? There are a few of them who are willing to criticize Trump in one sentence and in other sentence that they don't see that the law has been broken. They rather put party before country. The sad part of that, the Dems have done the same at times. We can see Trump has violated the law many times, just in the past 120 days. When will the Senate and Congress do something about this? They need to do some now and not when they feel like it. Our country is headed down a road that is very scary and maybe no chance to return to a country where the American people have their say in how this country is run. Note to the GOP: get it together and let's put this to rest and get rid of Trump and his goons!
Trump gets a "royal welome" from the Saudi Leaders!
Wait!, He hasn't given his speech yet! Let's see how they treat Trump after the speech?What will Trump do to undermind the SP's investigation?
A) start a war?
B) fire someone?
C) blame it on someone on his staff?
D) throw a tantrum
E) all the above?
F) something else?
I have no clue, help figure this out!
Boris is a real dip****!
He is just as dumb as the orange marmalade goof ball president! This idiot is actually has his head up Trump's ass!Clear for take off and bombs away!
This is getting more intriguing by the minute! Just when you thought news couldn't keep piling up? Well, today had it's biggest moments to date. I feel there is more to come and fairly quickly? But, just the wheels of AF1 bellied up, the stories started to come out. I laughed for 250 miles and cried for 0! I just have to wonder if Trump threw a tantrum and who was thrown off the plane over the Atlantic Ocean?Someone just called into the Thomm Hartman show.....
and is claiming that Trump was not under oath when he told Comey to get on board with the WH! Dang, these foolish people don't get it!
Hartman shut him down like always and the caller is stammering with a rebuttal answer!
Where is Spicer having the press breifing from, today?
The sewer? The roof of the WH? The beach?(a Navy thing) Under Trump's thumb?
I know this doesn't have anything to do with politics.
But wanted to say my thoughts and prayers are with the people who were affected by last nights tornadoes in Elk City, Oklahoma and the town in NW Wisconsin. Two lives where lost and major damage to these area. We stand with you and hope for a quick recovery.
What are the odds for Trump to embarrass himself and the country on his so called "diplomacy trip"?
And in front of who and where?
My bet 70% with the Pope and 30% every where else? So many chances, it is bound to happen?
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Name: MarkGender: Male
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