Enoki33's JournalThe problems outlined are very real and the extent of their
magnitude can be overwhelming. As a people we are not completely powerless as the immense opposition to the healthcare repeal outrage proved. It also showed us that when smart and caring women beside determined men decide to defend their families, and by extension society as a whole, what we are truly capable of doing. Women for too long have been excluded from the corridors of real political power. The recent elections gives reason for hope that we can have a better nation and a better world. Those who use a $ yardstick to measure everything cannot be allowed to continue to hoard power and resources solely for themselves.
The work to level the gerrymandering playing field being done by President Obama and ex AG Eric Holder was recently highlighted by Rachel who went to great length to stress that its importance cannot be overstated. The $ hoarders fear the real and more powerful currency, which is knowledge.
Happy thanksgiving all.
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Name: MikeGender: Male
Hometown: Newport, OR
Home country: USA
Current location: Newport, OR
Member since: Thu Mar 14, 2013, 06:07 PM
Number of posts: 1,603