Miles Archer
Miles Archer's Journal"But...his POLICIES."
It's worth remembering that Trump had TWO "accomplishments" in FOUR YEARS.
1). Paul Ryan's Tax Cuts For Millionaires.
100% Paul Ryan, the self-professed Ayn Rand wet dream of his entire life, claims he used to "dream about it" at "keggers" in college. Trump signed the tax cuts. That was his sole involvement, a signature.
2). Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Barrett, and scores of Federal judges with lifetime appointments like Aileen Cannon.
All of the 3 Stooges Trump "appointed" to the Cannon and scores of "Trump judges" across the USA...came via a demands list from Leonard Leo of the Federalist Society. He sent McConnell a list and said "MAKE IT HAPPEN." McConnell said "Yes SIR!" and let over 400 pieces of House-approved legislation sit on his desk, with no hope of ever making it to the Senate floor for a vote. McConnell rammed them through, Trump signed them. That was his sole involvement, a signature. He didn't "choose" ANYONE.
Trump DID NOT "build a big, beautiful wall, more beautiful than anyone has ever seen, many people are saying, and Mexico did not pay every penny. Trump refurbished about 400 miles of existing structure.
Trump DID NOT "repeal and replace ObamaCare with a big, beautiful healthcare plan, bigger and more beautiful than anyone has every seen, many people are saying." He did have his goons parade a huge binder filled with empty pages to Leslie Stahl and called that his "plan."
So. What else did Trump actually DO?
1). Played a lot of golf at taxpayers expense after saying he'd be too busy making America great again to even think about golf.
Newsweek, May 22, 2019: Trump's Golfing has Cost Taxpayers $102 Million, Just $12.7 Million Behind Obama's Travel During Entire Presidency: Report
2). Obsessively watched TV, especially Fox, to see when he was mentioned. He coined the phrase "EXECUTIVE TIME" because he did not leave his residency during the week until "Fox & Friends" had finished airing
3). He bullied and insulted people, and wrote book & TV "reviews," on Twitter
4). He held MAGAt rallies
5). "Undid" every piece of corporate / environmental Obama-era legislation he could get his tiny hands on
If anyone can think of additional "accomplishments," feel free to add them.
We'll get all of this and more, plus non-stop revenge seeking and multiple soft wet kisses on the buttocks of Putin, Kim Jong Un, Prince Mohammed bin Bonesaw, Viktor Orban, and other fascist strongmen who inhabit Trump's fever dreams daily.
A serious question about Kim Jong Don's "Radical Left May Need To Be Handled By The Military" bullshit
CONTEXT, although i am sure you've seen it:
Rather than focus on real threats from foreign militants, Trump told Bartiromo that he was far more concerned with left-wing Americans in regard to Election Day.
I think the bigger problem is the enemy from within, not even the people who are destroying our country ... I dont think theyre the problem in terms of Election Day, the Republican presidential nominee said. I think the bigger problem are the people from within. We have some very bad people, we have some sick people, radical left lunatics.
And it should be easily handled by, if necessary, by National Guard, or if really necessary, by the military, he continued. Because they cant let that happen.
SO...the QUESTION (or rather questions, plural):
1). Let's say Trump LOSES. Red states REFUSE to certify the election results, it goes to the House, Republicans "install" Trump
2). Let's say Trump LOSES. The emboldened MAGAt (formerly "Supreme" ) court gets giddy and goes for Bush v Gore II, "installing" Trump
3). American voters are actually fucking IGNORANT ENOUGH to re-elect him, which removes the need for #1 or #2 above
WILL AMERICA JUST SIT PASSIVELY STILL FOR ALL OF THIS? WILL AMERICA JUST SHRUG ITS SHOULDERS and say "Well, the fuhrer is in charge, nothing we can do about it?"
The fact that polls (if you believe them at all) STILL show Harris & Trump in a "statistical dead heat" should be concerning to everyone reading this (and I'm sure that's true). But Republicans are working overtime to get what started on 1/6/21 across the finish line this time. What do you think will happen if they pull it off?
"These things were coming cylinders, no wings, no nothing, and they're coming down very slowly, landing on a raft..."
Trump in Michigan:
Elizabeth Warrren triggered Musk with "Tax Musk & Bezos"...that's how we got so "bouncy"
Musk's primary issue is that he WANTS TO BE a "Trump-level celebrity," but other than his fanboys, he's not particularly well-liked.
And the only reason the fanboys are there is that, LIKE Trump, the fanboys THINK he is "talking their language," rather than manipulating them.
You can get the context here:
Senator Elizabeth Warren and Tesla CEO Elon Musk are in the middle of a full-scale Twitter war. Warren called the worlds richest person a freeloader for paying $0 in income taxes in recent years. Musk responded with a series of personal attacks, calling Warren Senator Karen and claiming his income tax bill is about to be the largest in US history.
Lets change the rigged tax code so The Person of the Year will actually pay taxes and stop freeloading off everyone else, she tweeted Tuesday.
Musk, who has never shied from a Twitter war, replied with a string of insults.
You remind me of when I was a kid and my friends angry Mom would just randomly yell at everyone for no reason, he said in one tweet.
Within 90 days of this, Musk owned Twitter, and became King of the Internet Trolls, bent on poisoning the voting public against Democrats and pimping right-wing lies and conspiracies.
So when you see Elon bouncing up and down like an aroused teen at a Justin Bieber concert, next to his 78 year old bloated rapist felon hero, realize it's all about Musk wanting more tax cuts for billionaires. He's not a "free speech absolutist," he's not the "savior of humanity." He just doesn't want to pay his fair share of taxes when he KNOWS Republicans will give him tax CUTS.
The IRONY METER, all busted to sh*t: 78 y.o. adjudicated rapist tells women "I am your protector"
Trump addresses women: "I am your protector. I want to be your protector ... you will no longer be abandoned, lonely, or scared. You will no longer be in danger ... you will no longer be thinking about abortion."
My fellow DU'ers, if you're on Twitter, please considering reporting Musk to the FBI / Secret Service for this tweet
And no one is even trying to assassinate Biden/Kamala 🤔
BREAKING: 78 year old Florida senior citizen squirts out all-caps "I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT" post
In the history of the dumbest fucking things anyone has ever fucking done, this just might be the fucking dumbest.
Looks like Trump had some free time from "consulting" with Laura Loomer.
How about a "Commemorative Fight! Fight! FIght! $2 Bill" for $20?
Here's the link to Aaron Rupar's tweet, which shows the ad for the "$2 bill." Sorry I couldn't include a screen shot. It's been a while since I've been on DU and I'm not sure how that's done now (I assume with a link from an image hosting service, which I don't have set up).
MSNBC: Musk "suppressing community notes on his own posts"
Musk has officially entered the Trump zone of "this is all public knowledge and no one seems to care."
Nicolle Wallace had a segment on Musk using Twitter (I'll never fucking call it "X" ) for "misinformation," and part of that is that the "community notes" ... which alert users to information that is false or inaccurate...get squashed in his tweets.
It's also been documented that he ordered his programmers to artificially boost the popularity of his tweets.
Twitter users are threatening a "blackout" tonight...logging off while his shit show with Trump is on. We'll see.
KELLYANNE wants in! DEVOS wants in!'s like the Beatles reuniting, but a million times BETTER!
Donald Trump's former education secretary Betsy DeVos has changed her mind on serving in his administration if he wins re-election.
DeVos resigned on Jan. 7, 2021, following the U.S. Capitol riot, which she called "unconscionable," and said she would not work for Trump again. But she admitted she'd return to his Cabinet if she had a chance to continue her long-standing goal of transforming public education, reported The Detroit News.
I dont think President Trump would ask me to again, DeVos told the newspaper at a fundraising event for GOP Senate candidate Mike Rogers.
However, she would return only if it was with the goal of phasing out the Department of Education as we tried to do through budgetary process in the first administration.
Profile Information
Name: Miles ArcherGender: Male
Hometown: Hamilton Massachusetts
Home country: USA
Current location: Nevada
Member since: Wed Oct 16, 2013, 06:49 PM
Number of posts: 18,960