GulfCoast66's JournalNew experience voting this evening.
I do not do OPs and as a whole and generally distrust anecdotal threads.
But voting this evening was encouraging. I live in a very white and republican county in Florida, Lake to be specific. Although Democratic and Independent voters combined outweigh republicans.
There were probably 50-70 people voting and the vast majority were not white. And there were lots of multi-generational families voting including lots of young folks which is refreshing.
The main difference was that when early voting in 2016 it seemed like half the place was wearing red. Not today. A sea of blue, myself included. No one was talking but lots of eye contact acknowledgement.
Living in Florida I have learned to temper my enthusiasm but I am actually starting to believe we can do this.
Take it for whats its worth. One mans experience.
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Gender: Do not displayHometown: gulfcoast
Home country: US
Current location: Florida
Member since: Tue Dec 1, 2015, 07:00 PM
Number of posts: 11,949