I_UndergroundPanther's JournalNo help for disabled and poor people?
My sister is in the hospital for
Appendicitis. She may be getting her appendix taken out. I am worried about her. Luckily the hospitals aren't overrun in my town yet. I hope she does not get coronavirus on top of having surgery. I ask Sekhmet to protect her and keep the coronavirus away from her. She's 65. Just writing about it helps me process this . I am so thankful for y'all on DU.
I hope she does not have to get surgery but if she does I hope she's safe as she can be and heals up fast. Sa Sekhem Sahu.
Are government offices
To do things like recertifications closed? I just got a letter that I need to meet a case worker face to face to renew my benifiets. I dunno
What to do. Got the letter two days ago and the appointment is the 23rd. That is unreasonably fast for me to prepare so I am not prepared to go there yet. Seems since everything is closed would they be closed too? I live in Maryland.
Do you realize
The power of just staying home?
The markets are down and people are helping each other and thier community get through this.
We don't need billionaires. We can do without them.
Sad that AC Moore's
Is going out of business.. but it's lucky for me,got some art stuff at the beginning of March. Will be useful during self quarentine.
Everything was so cheep. They'll be open until March 31st. Go there.
I got a bunch of new brushes the kind I can't afford usually.
Got canvas,prismacolors,beads.
All affordable on my wimpy budget!
And I got some other things I normally don't get ..including two gigantic flowers. For 17¢ one is a huge hibiscus the other is a blue Daisy. They didn't have any others.
Stores need to set limits
On how much Lysol,how much toilet paper,how many flu meds a person can buy. The hoarders and resellers need to be controlled.
All of us need this stuff. Other people should be considered too.
People who do not care and have that disgusting I got mine fuck everyone else need to be shamed and controlled.
Letting DU know
I'm for Biden. Been for Joe earlier but didn't change candidate thingy
At the bottom of my posts.
Voting a straight ticket blue like I do every election.
How I'm dealing with corona
I am pretty much self quarentine
I have a few close freinds who are handling this as I am. We visit each other but other than that we stay in our respective places don't go out to crowded gatherings . We tend to visit each other. I have several masks for doing art,to keep dust out of my nose when I use my flex shaft to carve stuff that I bought long time ago. I have 2 cloth masks and the insert thingys ( one says don't panic) I got those when I was sick several years ago because I didn't want to spread the flu.
I have 2 Lysol cans I got 2 months ago and laundry sanitizer, I bought that like 3 months ago it's useful now for washing the cloth masks I used before. And I got bleach tablets and flu meds and elderberry stuff and emergen- c I keep emergen- c around normally. About 10 tea bags with enchinaca and elderberry I bought like 7 months ago. I'm very thankful I didn't throw this stuff out thinking I would not need it because now, I do.
I am 55 but I have high blood pressure,under control and diabeties I know I am in a risky situation. I keep my bsl numbers low like in the 80's 90's most the time. I'm hoping for the best but prepared for the worst. But I'm glad I still have the stuff I need from months ago now.
Take care everyone and do what you think you need to do to be safe out there.
If it helps you cope or eases your mind to some degree, do it as long as it hurts no one else and damn the torpedos.
Testing coronavirus...
Frustrated by the lack of testing resulting from the problem with the CDC developed kit . The Seattle flu study began using an in house developed test to look for Covid 19
in samples from people who had flu like symptoms but who had tested negative for the flu.
The CDC 's Rocky effort to get Americans tested for Corona virus,
Explained. That idea came from Washington state.
Profile Information
Gender: Do not displayHometown: Maryland
Home country: United States
Member since: Tue Jan 10, 2017, 12:27 AM
Number of posts: 13,004