I_UndergroundPanther's JournalDupe
Sad this group has no recent posts
Poverty less important than other topics I guess. Even though so many suffer from it.
What if the profit
Imperative was removed from the corporate charter?
At one time in the past corporations had to work for the public good.
What happened to that Noble idea?
Since they work for profit of the owner we all suffer. Maybe the profit imperative needs to be cut out,removed from corporations.
I am so angry
Trump and the republican pigs are fucking over the poor and disabled more.
Trumpy pigfuckers food stamp cuts are truly abusive. Before today I had 76 bucks a month for food.
This is financial abuse.
Being diabetic you can't eat the carbohydrate filled shit you can get for cheep to stave off hunger. My benifet is 60 bucks now that breaks down to around 2 bucks a day.
The cuts trump did are dangerous to people's continued existence.
And in years to come they'll get smaller and smaller as food stamps get cut deeper and food becomes more expensive due to climate change the rich greedy pigs who refuse to clean up the mess they created on our planet for thier personal profits imposed on every being that exists on this planet.
I for one wish we could tax the fucking rich to poverty. Let them feel poverty and let them experience it close up and personal.Let them suffer.
Fuck them over. Leave them to rot.
Confiscate all the rich peoples money,all of it. Use it to restore this country to a country where people don't starve and people get universal healthcare. Where housing is made for all of us .
The rich have robbed our country blind,and the people who robbed it are psychopaths.they don't care and they get off on hurting people.
I would make the over rich poor as dirt and give them no pity, or help.l tell them to shut up and get off thier lazy asses and get to work. Regardless of problems or disabilities they say they have .
They wanna be cruel,to others turn about is fair play assholes.
And I wish every rich republican to have a painful decline and to die broke,sick in pain and all alone in a ditch in the cold rain and no one gives a fuck about them,just walk past as they die maybe take a moment to spit on them .
Yeah I'm pissed. Thanks for letting me vent.I hate republicans,and the over rich pigs that fund them and the idiots and assholes that vote for them.
I am so sick of hearing republicans
Whine,lie,yell and wave thier arms around like a bunch of toddlers.
When will they be told to STFU?
A problem with evangelicals and family bigots
My aunt is the typical magat,she likes trump, she's evangelical,believes the prosperity crap and she's taking care of my mom.
My mom is dying. She has Supra nuclear palsy. She's very frail and my aunt has run ragged taking care of her,and she has treated her with amazing care.
I am transgender.My aunt calls me by my dead name and misgenders me constantly. It hurts. But I put up with it for the sake of my mom.
I don't hate her I pity her.
The misgendering hurts but I tolerate it for mom's sake.
Well I won't have to go there to visit my mom forever. I love my mom.
She's 90 years old,last August and she has deteriorated so much it's breaking my heart. Loretta does an excellent job of caring for her sister. But knowing she does not see me as her peer that I am to be disrespected because of her chosen beliefs is the most
disgusting thing that does not have to be that way. It makes me so sad.
She tells me she loves me but she does not respect me. So I question that love.the whole thing is sick.
I have a goatee and outing me as the wrong gender like that could put me in danger where she lives . It's dangerous because it's full of people who are just like her.
She refuses to see how her beliefs put me in danger if she misgenders me in public in Galax Virginia.
A wingnut
Just got tossed out of the impeachment hearing. Had no clue what he was saying
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Gender: Do not displayHometown: Maryland
Home country: United States
Member since: Tue Jan 10, 2017, 12:27 AM
Number of posts: 13,004