AllaN01Bear's Journalweather radar is quite busy for nevada and northeastern ca and the sierra nevada
some returns are showing frozen pricip such as hail , etc. my lighting map is quite busy from the sierra nevada east side into nevada and the intermountain west. scattered showers . very humid here and on red alert dry lighting for this weekend . hem,-120.39
just scroll west and u can see what i mean.
if the covid 19 vaxx is magnetic,,,
how come am i not being hit by a ,,safe , kitchen sink, steam roller, transit bus, airplane and finaly a battleship? hmmm.
breaking news .
just learned this morning that my 90 yo aunt died from non covid causes .

and now for a peacefull interlude,, deerfield beach fishing pier under water cam.
ohh ahh. look at all the pretty fishes .
history of the amtrak ne corridor. reading.
am cooking my first meal in my new stainless steel frypan.
hot louisiana style sauges , tomatoes . rice . and frozen mixed veggies . i have my moms old revere ware pots but they are copper bottomed and revere ware shuttered a long time ago. would like some pots like them nuking the rice as we speak. i make enough meals to last a while . take care and have a grand day.
went to big lots and got a 12 " stainless steel fry pan and a 2 quart sauce pan for my induction
hot plate . yay .
after being kicked out of gmail yet again and having to stumble through my passwords
my tech suggested to clear privated data. the machaine used is a macbook air early 2014 ( almost 10 yo). running big sur at the moment .(ver. 11.3.1) i cleard personal data and to do that goto tools / clear private data /deselect the following, browsing history /location bar history/saved form and search history. leave cache and authenticated sessions . since that , i havent been able to do something i havent been able to do on my prefered browser(seamonkey) for years and that is view photos on seamonkey. had to pull shenanigans to do that . hope this helps someone who is having simalar issues .
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Gender: Do not displayHometown: california
Home country: usa
Member since: Tue Jan 10, 2017, 02:45 PM
Number of posts: 23,882