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thinkingagain's Journal
thinkingagain's Journal
December 19, 2018

Update on my hip surgery

First I want to thank all those who responded to my call for positive thoughts, prayers and information
they really helped I pulled them up as I needed up till I had to give up my phone😊
As you can tell I made it thro the surgery
Fine anesthesia was fine only downside so many others doing same missed the PT who would evaluate me going home today
So here I lay might be a good thing as I have history of blood clots so they can monitor that closer but I think it will be fine. Down fall for the nurses they have me on I’ve fluids and it makes me have to pee a lot 😀 and since they haven’t had me up for therapy to walk it’s bed pan time
But I guess between the nurses and me if that’s the worst then I’ll take it.
I guess I will reevaluate after the trip home either tomorrow or Thurs ( probably will stay line more day at sisters house in case any problems and to let it settle more before a 3 hour car drive over the pass
Hope for good roads!!! What ever day we travel
Thank you all again

December 17, 2018

Could use some positive thoughts prayer and info

Tomorrow I will head across our mountain passes to have hip surgery on Tuesday.
I chose a doctor on the other side of the mountains because he was much more approachable than the local surgeon I met with.
So the fact that I am not a good traveler (sometimes have to take xanex just for the trip as the passenger of course I can't even drive on the coast at all. It stresses me out . tells you how much the decision to go that way means. I am fairly young for the surgery (55)
I have done research and know that hip surgery ( I am having anterior) generally goes well. But still I am nervous. Such as what if I have some unknown health thing that would effect the anesthesia?
So much has gone wrong lately I feel like I'm under a black cloud. Such as my youngest son had a stroke, then after not catching multiple colds etc this year even when family and co workers where dropping like fly's. Just when I had to go in three weeks ago and start the tests to ok me for surgery I caught a cold just getting over that and the stomach bug that came in the middle and a few other things that have gone on. It feels like something is saying "Don't do it"
So I could use some positive thoughts, prayers, and for those who have either had the surgery or had loved ones that have is this normal anxiety ( mostly I know people that have had the hip surgery say they wish they had not waited so long) I haven't talked to them about the pre-worry thing.

November 7, 2018

update good news on my Son

So my youngest son who had a Bilateral Vertebral Artery Dissection on Oct 26th and I had so much support from you guys. I just wanted to fill you in on the latest.
He got to come home today! Hopeful as today is also get out & vote and he got to get out! that it is a sign of good things to come for both him & the country!
Anyhow he is currently going to stay at Mom & Dad's at least this week (he kept saying I think that is what Mom would like me to do )
They still don't know exactly what caused the VAD stroke to happen so he will go to the Univ of Wash later this month to see a specilest hopefully they will have answers its possible we may never know for sure.
I have my theory but then I am not a doctor (i keep saying but I play one at home - all Moms do I think )
He is walking pretty good in fact wanted a cane instead of a walker so we bought one today. Got a temp disabled parking tag, his meds, an eye exam with a new eye dr because his was long time eye dr was booked until March looked pretty good but you can see the lazy eye back but possibly that will continue to improve) he did get a new prescription but the dr thought is was a normal change for the better and not the stroke. So we ordered those all in all we had a busy day. I think I am more worn out than him as I am going for hip surgery next month and I moved around slower than him. But I did put in ribs for his Dad & him to have for dinner tonight.
Anyhow we got through everything so far with great well wishes prayers hugs etc from so many here and so many others had us on their radar I can not thank everyone enough and we did it all with only pissing off two people my brother - in - law and his very evil wife
Here is to an awesome evening for all !

October 31, 2018

Another update on my son

He was moved late this afternoon to the acute rehab center not to far from our home / work . So someone will be able to visit everyday even if it’s a short visit. Don’t totally know the whole plan yet they are putting it together but mostly it sounds like lots of P T etc. it seems he is most concerned about his vision so he wants their eye person to coordinate with the eye dr he had since he was a baby ( he had a lazy eye the repaired when he was like 3)
It hasn’t ever been a problem but now he has focus issues and I could clearly see tonight it kept “ drifting” inward.
He still gets dizzy when he’s up so needs some help walking.
At rehab we can bring him goodies etc so I might try and do that this weekend. I think he like the hospital food more than what they served tonight at the rehab.😊

October 28, 2018

Update in my son

MRI showed My son had 2 small strokes in the cerebellar cortex caused by a bilateral vertebral artery dissection. We don't know yet what caused the dissection, its possible we may never know for sure but some of the tests done that we are still waiting on results of may give a better indication of what that maybe as well as treatment here on out. As of now, he will be in hospital for at least through today and at most likely tomorrow. His medical team thinks the best plan of action would be to go to an acute rehab center after released from the hospital, hes looking at 1-2 weeks (could be more, praying for less) there depending on how his body responds to the therapy.

Hopefully after the get the genetic test back in the blood clot history it may tell us more but other possibles he had a pretty major accident in Jan ( was t boned) possible it plays into this or maybe precedent storm as one doctor put it. We may never know.
The one doc today said in 9 years my son is the only 28 year old he’s seen for stroke
Obviously more at the larger hosp ( or Harberview etc)
I will put out I’m grateful to my daughter who is taking notes and doing most of sending stuff to my family on her phone she is better at texting etc and better at phone stuff. I copied most of the above stuff from her post to our immediate family my phone is tiny it’s hard to see.

Now again I want to thank everyone for all the awesome support hugs and info I was trying to thank everyone individually - so hard so everyone here’s your “ individual
Thank you hug 😊

October 28, 2018

Update on my son in ICU

Waiting to do the 24 hr after the med follow up mri. But

So a bit of humor for this situation
I wasn’t there I had gone home to change and get an hours rest but my daughter share this with me conversation between neurologist and my son

Dr said she needed to ask him some Questions.
Dr.: Who is our current president?
J: I don't know, some idiot.
Dr (laughs): can you tell me his name?
J ( short pause): do I have to say his name?
Dr: yes. I'm actually going to ask you the names of the last 3
J (sigh): Trump
Dr: and before that?
J: Obama
Dr:and do you remember who was before that
J: yeah, Bush

October 27, 2018

Last night

I posted in the community help forum about my son who is 29 being in the ER with what looks like a mini stroke I asked for and received a lot of love hugs and prayers and info I thank everyone.
Last night was stress still is
Now I share my anger At Trump and The GOP because while entourage to my son and talking to him on the phone I knew what he was describing wasn’t right for him or anyone I asked him if instead of us getting him and taking him to either the walk in clinic or the ER we should call the ambulance you know what my son said
“ I can’t afford an ambulance” ( he makes pretty good money but not to long ago bought a house and poor kid everything has gone wrong (1) t boned car accident because he turned around to help another
person that had went in the ditch and was hurt that was 2 months after he bought his house then pipes bursting needed floors replaced then his air conditioning United had a problem needed it replaced and several other small things so his savings is being eaten up.
But regardless “I can’t afford it” I think with single payer it would not be a worry of if you can afford it.
Anyhow for his worry I said let’s go to the nearest walk in knowing they’d send him on to ER and they did by ambulance I told him ambulance fast tracks you in to ER
I knew it was bad when I met him and his sister at the clinic & had to help him in and he couldn’t walk we had to grab a wheel chair for me ambulance in front seat is no fun.
Again grrrr stupid T & GOP cutting health care now he will have to worry about previous conditions.
Forgive my ramble I have been up for over 24 hours need more hot coffee ( hubby brought some but it was cold by time he got here)
Also forgive me on my iPhone and it’s hard to see everything your writing.

October 27, 2018

I could use some support

I don’t post a lot
But could use some support prayers and whatever I don’t know I’m stressing trying not to cry but I’m sitting in the ER my 29 yr old son is under going testing they think he is having a mild stroke so far Theve done a lot of test Skyped with harberview specialist in Seattle that’s what he thinks it is so they gave him this shot I will call it super heparin
Anyhow anyone one could share thoughts ideas prayers I don’t know I’m kinda in shock. Ambulance rides with your child in the back is not fun
(Please forgive spelling and grammar errors)

October 6, 2018

Ok so feel a little mean tonight

So it seems trumps FBI investigation into Kavanaugh background and according to Stormy her “time” with trump and her description of
“it” have a lot in common.

It was Short and didn’t last very long

Like I said feeling a little mean but hopefully it will will make at least one persons giggle a little.

Good night off to try and get a little sleep.

October 4, 2018

Here is my thought regarding those senators on the fence on Kavanaugh

If you have to “think about it” it should be a no vote because if he was such a great guy it be so ovious that there would be no thinking needed.

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