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Showing Original Post only (View all)There isn't enough popcorn in the world [View all]
Liz Cheney told the truth about the election, and for that she has now been kicked out of Republican leadership. She was kicked out by Kevin McCarthy, who said the exact same thing she did about the insurrection, before he spinelessly changed his tune after being summoned to Mar-a-lago by Dear Leader.
Thanks to McCarthy's weakness, two things have happened:
1) The "mainstream" Republican Party, which had a chance to extricate itself from Trump's black hole of failure post-election, has firmly and definitively thrown itself over the event horizon. The "mainstream" Republican Party has chosen to become the party of lawlessness and anti-democracy; the party that believes no election they lose can possibly be legitimate. They are the party of un-American values, and have firmly positioned themselves alongside the likes of dictators like Putin, Erdogan, and Xi.
2) A breakaway faction of anti-Trumpists are threatening to start a third party. If this threat pans out, the GOP is in dire straits. They are already having trouble holding onto their angst-driven base (hence their need to glue themselves to Trump) and splitting their vote between two factions is a surefire loser.
Meanwhile, Democrats are in a historically good position to capitalize on this. Joe Biden's policies are very, very popular, and the Dems are proposing solid, sensible, and yes -- progressive -- legislation that a majority of Americans can get behind. Meanwhile the Republicans are stuck in la-la land, catering to their Fox-addled base with stories about things like Mr. Potato Head getting "canceled" and other childish nonsense.
We have a golden political opportunity here, so let's grab it! Do we really need any more handwringing about how Liz Cheney is ACTUALLY an awful person so let's not get too carried away praising her? We already know that! And it doesn't matter! What matters is that the GOP is slowly but surely ripping itself in two, at the very moment that Democrats are more united than ever.
So when you're out there on the Internets, posting on your Facebooks and your Twitters, please don't hesitate to drive that wedge, and drive it hard.
We've been waiting for years to see something like this, and it looks like it's finally happening.
Pass the popcorn!