The GOP blasted Biden when the Taliban overran Kabul. [View all]
The GOP blasted Obama when Isis overran Mosul.
The GOP stands in the way of Ukraine receiving the arms needed to defend themselves now.
Who will they blast if the Russians overrun Kiev?
Stupid question, I know. Biden of course. But it won't work. There is not now, nor will there be later, any confusion over who is standing with Ukraine, and who isn't.
For now, for most, Ukraine is just another far away place where some people are suffering. The war in Gaza has largely pushed the war in Ukraine out of "front page" news coverage. All of that changes though if and when Russian troops start to resume making significant territorial conquests inside Ukraine. Especially if any collapse of Ukrainian defenses can directly be traced to the supply of American provided armaments drying up.
In case Republicans haven't noticed Ukrainians for the most part are Caucasian and Christian. They look like Europeans because, well, because they ARE Europeans. Which means they pretty much look like the people Republicans count on as "their base." Aside from the physical risks associated with combat, of course, the international media faces no impediments to covering brutal Russian advances in Ukraine, should they occur. It would not be like trying to cover a Chinese crackdown in Tiananmen Square. The world WILL be watching, and that includes the American electorate.
If Republican political brinkmanship goes awry, and Russia subsequently rolls over Ukrainian defenses, it will be Republicans held to account when the question inevitably gets posed; "Who lost Ukraine?" And like the fallout from the fall of South Vietnam, the consequences will reverberate for a generation.