Trump doesn't want Taylor Swift killed [View all]
Not really. But he wouldn't mind if it happened either.
See, she is not the point. The point is to make anyone who might go against him, be afraid to go against him.
If she is just threatened online, that's fine with him. If she has to hire extra security, that's fine. If an attempt is made, that's great because it will get publicity.
But if she is killed? A tragedy, an unforseen tragedy and one he had absolutely nothing to do with. Why, he was just expressing his opinion under the first amendment. And now that she is dead, well he feels just awful about that but really she shouldn't have put herself in harm's way by getting into politics. Should've just stayed in her lane.
This piece of human excrement makes me sick to my stomach. Nothing would ever be a bad enough ending to his miserable life, and nothing even remotely close to that will ever happen to him. And the filth who follow him will still be around after he's gone. Every day he's still around seems like an eternity.