Sep 11:
Bin Laden knew one way to defeat a stronger enemy is to manipulate the enemy into squandering its power and support in counterproductive military quagmires such as Afghanistan, the "graveyard of empires."
Jan 21:
Putin knew one way to bring about the fall of the United States is to tear it apart from within, corrupting its institutions and turning the American people against each other.
When Vlad's orange asset entered the political scene, the divide and conquer strategy had been instigated for decades by an oligarchy that understood expanding their wealth and political power depended on turning Americans against each other. If The People were united in exercising the power of their vote, the obscene transfer of wealth to a small percent at the very top could not happen.
So in stepped a "populist" demogogue, manipulating the grievances and bigotry of an angry populace -- in service not only to the malefactors of great wealth, but to a former KGB agent who had his own motives for the disintegration of American institutions -- especially the NATO alliance.
The attack begins in earnest in about seven weeks, when The Felon and his sycophants wield the vast power of the presidency.
How much damage can they do to our institutions, and how quickly?
With slim majorities in Congress, will any old school Republicans -- under threat of being "primaried" if they don't fall in line -- take a stand on principle and their sworn oath to protect our Constitution?
Will American voters harmed by the destruction turn against The Felon and his Party and if so, will we still have legitimate elections in 2026?
I wish I had good answers to these questions, but what faith I had in my country was dealt a severe blow five weeks ago.