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(10,622 posts)
23. The real problem is all the damn leftists posting on this board!
Mon Aug 25, 2014, 08:37 PM
Aug 2014

Every reality based Democrat (the only ones that are not most likely rat fornicators) knows that the left is the problem, solutions can only be found on the right or the center. Pragmatism tells us, that liberal only means you have the right to choose if you are a woman, the right to marry your same sex partner if you are born gay, and the right to free and equal civil liberties (well some of the time and only on some things), therefore nearly all Democratic politicians are extremely liberal.

As for non social policies, grow up and join the adults before you get spanked like the whinny fringe leftists you are, I have provided a list so even you damn dirty hippy most likely libertarians that are not very smart can understand what it means to be a responsible pragmatic Democrat, first tear that naked picture of Nader off your bedroom wall, then, memorize the following:

Democratic financial policies can only validly be proposed from the Friedman Chicago school of economics (fuck those fringe moonbat Keynesian most likely libertarian paulbots)

Democratic trade policies can only validly be proposed if they are enthusiastically free trade with an eye towards protecting the rights of the poor disadvantaged multinational corporations (fuck those fringe fair trade labor loving isolationist moonbat most likely libertarian paulbots)

Democratic banking/investment policies can only validly be proposed if you embrace the concept of providing liquidity to banks that are excellent gamblers that simply have a bit of bad luck every few years in predictable cycles when they bet your farms on mathematical equations and pieces of paper, but never ever give back the property they confiscate in the process, they should get to keep that as well, they work hard and we should not begrudge them what they steal fair and square. Another very important point, to thrive they must be free range and unregulated, because that is the only way for them to eventually trickle down on you what you deserve. (fuck those Commie most likely libertarian big government rule loving crazies that want to regulate and fine them for all the hard work they do to earn their trillions. We will no longer tolerate your most likely paulbot rat fornicating of our betters)

Democratic foreign policies can only be validly proposed if they are adequately interventionist with an eye towards making it easier to sell and produce arms (the only jobs program that ever works) or to procure whatever resources the multinational corporations covet on or under the ground those terrorist foreigners are squatting on, they may live there, but they do not own the resources, ownership is only fairly determined by an appropriate bidding war between the corporations that God gave those resources to when he created Adam Inc. and Eve LLC. (fuck the bleeding heart liberal most likely libertarian paulbot isolationists that do not understand foreign policy)

Democratic Constitutional policies can only be validly proposed if they allow or disallow whatever rights the Government wants to that you think some Goddamn old piece of hemp paper grants you when you are high on some other strains of hemp (fuck those traitor loving, Putin fellating free speech and privacy fetishist most likely paulbots twice sideways)

I hope all you leftist most likely libertarian Commie rat fornicators are taking notes, because this is the only way you will ever be part of the Democratic party. I don't know why I bother because although there are zillions of you lefties disrupting here and failing to vote and thus throwing elections, you are a very small minority of fringe crazies that are statistically negligible and your input therefore is hardly meaningful.

Sorry TWM, you are as always correct, but you are too nice sometimes to these pitiable leftist dirty hippy freaks, so I had to step in.

Am I having deja vu? Erich Bloodaxe BSN Aug 2014 #1
No, that was some bad shellfish you ate. nt MannyGoldstein Aug 2014 #4
Speaking of shellfish, I understand that's the foundation for the greedy policies Voice for Peace Aug 2014 #72
Aw, clam up or we'll send some real mussel after you. Jackpine Radical Aug 2014 #104
Or as the 'insiders' say AgingAmerican Aug 2014 #2
Small point of nuance MannyGoldstein Aug 2014 #5
Nuance? We don't need no stinkin' nuance. This is American, Dude! Learn the rules! RufusTFirefly Aug 2014 #29
Oh, no! Not meeeee! BillZBubb Aug 2014 #3
Rogues Gallery RufusTFirefly Aug 2014 #30
Thank you, Your Excellency! Jack Rabbit Aug 2014 #80
Oh, I'm sick of messages from the front. RufusTFirefly Aug 2014 #82
whatever. Tuesday Afternoon Aug 2014 #6
Let's make it simple BainsBane Aug 2014 #7
I haven't seen a single DUer promote his candidacy for Prez leftstreet Aug 2014 #9
What was the purpose of the poll claiming he pulled the party to the "left"? BainsBane Aug 2014 #10
To discuss right vs left rhetoric? leftstreet Aug 2014 #15
Is there a probable Democratic presidential candidate saying that they oppose war, militarization Luminous Animal Aug 2014 #27
We've all been waiting to hear from such a candidate from the Dem Party. Maybe you'll sabrina 1 Aug 2014 #74
The poll was a joke. ZombieHorde Aug 2014 #90
You forgot to add this "But I have heard a lot of young people saying good things about him" XRubicon Aug 2014 #12
And? leftstreet Aug 2014 #19
I know. It's curious isn't it? If you're not a HRC defender/supporter, you must be a Rand Paul bot 2banon Aug 2014 #68
I have seen people here say that Hillary will be running to the right of him, which is a way of pnwmom Aug 2014 #116
I don't know anyone on DU who would argue that point Z_California Aug 2014 #28
Bullshit BainsBane Aug 2014 #96
You represent everything that's wrong with the Democratic Party Z_California Aug 2014 #111
What new idea? BainsBane Aug 2014 #112
I'm gonna try to explain some things Z_California Aug 2014 #113
Both Ron and Rand War Horse Aug 2014 #114
Well... ZombieHorde Aug 2014 #91
I wish Castro would run leftstreet Aug 2014 #8
If these last six years have taught people anything BainsBane Aug 2014 #13
Julian? He's being groomed for Hill's VP. joshcryer Aug 2014 #17
Then being a Castro-bot will be a good thing! leftstreet Aug 2014 #18
Yup, should make her presidency an easy pill to follow. joshcryer Aug 2014 #22
Did you forget the sarcasm icon? peacebird Aug 2014 #11
....... sheshe2 Aug 2014 #14
Even better the second time around. woo me with science Aug 2014 #16
Clapper shared it with everyone in the STASI. Octafish Aug 2014 #20
If you say Paul is anti war but Democrats aren't, you are lying. joshcryer Aug 2014 #21
Really? I guess I think that Paul is antiwar but most Democrats are not antiwar. Vattel Aug 2014 #33
Read the party platform. joshcryer Aug 2014 #38
yes dems turned against the war in iraq and wanted an end to the war in afghanistan eventually. Vattel Aug 2014 #43
A vote a decade ago when the party was very weak is nothing. joshcryer Aug 2014 #45
I just don't see any signs that dems are antiwar. Vattel Aug 2014 #49
Only dems voted to end AUMF. joshcryer Aug 2014 #56
You point to a speech, but look at what he as done. Vattel Aug 2014 #62
He was going to require congressional action in Syria. joshcryer Aug 2014 #67
Open your ears: Vattel Aug 2014 #70
Well to be accurate. zeemike Aug 2014 #69
Yeah, Bush got us out of Iraq. joshcryer Aug 2014 #75
No one got us out of Iraq, we are still there. zeemike Aug 2014 #79
We aren't occupying Iraq. joshcryer Aug 2014 #85
Permanent war is a threat to human society. zeemike Aug 2014 #86
Violence is down globally. joshcryer Aug 2014 #92
The real problem is all the damn leftists posting on this board! Dragonfli Aug 2014 #23
holy crap leftstreet Aug 2014 #25
I agree. MannyGoldstein Aug 2014 #51
I really can't, too busy being a bouncer at the front door Dragonfli Aug 2014 #81
An inspiring manifesto, Dragonfli! RufusTFirefly Aug 2014 #26
Why thank you! One can only soar with the eagles when one does not hang out with rats Dragonfli Aug 2014 #34
One small correction, Dragonfli RufusTFirefly Aug 2014 #41
Well, they are, most likely, professionals, I stand corrected. /nt Dragonfli Aug 2014 #50
Bravo! hootinholler Aug 2014 #31
I actually thought about that but there was nothing I tried that did not make me want to vomit Dragonfli Aug 2014 #36
LOL. Well Done, Dragonfli. Tierra_y_Libertad Aug 2014 #32
Well done. woo me with science Aug 2014 #35
Yep, I agree. The silly left thinks that we deserve freedom and liberty. But the centrists rhett o rick Aug 2014 #39
Second in charge at the fed is a Keynesian. joshcryer Aug 2014 #40
My intent was to honor the Pragmatic Realists that favor Centrists policies Dragonfli Aug 2014 #47
By lying? joshcryer Aug 2014 #52
no, I am not lying, Centrists are what they are. Dragonfli Aug 2014 #55
Excellent!!! Thespian2 Aug 2014 #63
It's simply untrue, the Progressive Caucus is the largest in Congress. joshcryer Aug 2014 #73
Please, try reading what I write before responding Dragonfli Aug 2014 #78
The Blue Dogs have almost no power now. joshcryer Aug 2014 #83
Libertarians are not Keynesian gollygee Aug 2014 #44
Really? It is very strange that I do not APPEAR to know that, don't you think? /nt Dragonfli Aug 2014 #48
Bravo! whatchamacallit Aug 2014 #46
Well done. Autumn Aug 2014 #58
That #%^*ing tiny fringe group that MannyGoldstein Aug 2014 #64
I only drink spring water and pure grain alcohol! /nt Dragonfli Aug 2014 #66
And we are so glad you did. zeemike Aug 2014 #71
Nice! adirondacker Aug 2014 #84
Well, tell us how you really feel! grahamhgreen Aug 2014 #87
Krugman, probably the most prominent Keynesian, supported Hillary in 2008 muriel_volestrangler Aug 2014 #95
That's Too bad, I thought she believed in the DLC vision, being a founding member. Dragonfli Aug 2014 #107
+ infinity nt Erich Bloodaxe BSN Aug 2014 #103
Very well done! neverforget Aug 2014 #110
Thanks TWM! I for one sleep better, knowing that Loyal Americans are working 24/7... RufusTFirefly Aug 2014 #24
OK, so suppose Rand Paul comes out in favor of puppies? Algernon Moncrieff Aug 2014 #37
Only if they're banker puppies MannyGoldstein Aug 2014 #42
So fucking support the most progressive, leftist you want in the primaries. Old and In the Way Aug 2014 #53
Looks like some one found the underline tag and the italics tag. JoePhilly Aug 2014 #54
3rd Way needs his meds adjusted Demeter Aug 2014 #57
So support him.... Old and In the Way Aug 2014 #59
Libertarians from the Paul school cannot help themselves.. Peacetrain Aug 2014 #60
Your thread is a good example why we must have a better candidate than Hillary LittleBlue Aug 2014 #61
.... 840high Aug 2014 #65
Ron Paul tried it in 2012 with zero success. joshcryer Aug 2014 #76
Naw, his thread is a good example of how a troll divides Democrats at the DU forum!!! Major Hogwash Aug 2014 #93
I'm still stuck under the bus and chained to a rat fucking CPI. L0oniX Aug 2014 #77
Thank you for supporting the war effort:) grahamhgreen Aug 2014 #88
You know, this is just the sort of OP ZombieHorde Aug 2014 #89
Kicked and recommended! Enthusiast Aug 2014 #94
The results are in Katashi_itto Aug 2014 #97
Thanks! MannyGoldstein Aug 2014 #101
You need to look at your jury blacklist and block the better believe it guys. Autumn Aug 2014 #109
Geeze what has this place turned into? Is there a Manny auto alert bot? L0oniX Aug 2014 #105
If you agree with Rand Paul on any issue you are not a thinker. NCTraveler Aug 2014 #98
I agree with him that only Congress has the authority to place Vattel Aug 2014 #99
You make a good point. NCTraveler Aug 2014 #100
Okay, fair enough. Vattel Aug 2014 #102
K & R ...because they hate you. L0oniX Aug 2014 #106
Even a broken clock displays the correct time twice each day Generic Brad Aug 2014 #108
Please be crystal clear, I wouldn't want to misunderstand you. Rex Aug 2014 #115
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