The Best-Selling, Billion-Dollar Pills Tested on Homeless People [View all]
Found this article while working on my ethics class in HCA.
Snip from middle of article
To find people like Harold, some contract research organizations have employees visit room-and-boards and homeless shelters. In Philadelphia I met a man named Ed Burns, who explained to me how these recruiters work. Burns and his wife had been on the street for over two years when we spoke; he said they had trouble getting space in shelters, even though his wife is pregnant and Burns has bipolar disorder and depression. I was on Depakote and I almost killed someone out of anger, he said. It made me a wrecking machine. Burns was living in a shelter when he got a message saying that someone from the Veterans Affairs hospital was waiting outside for him. But when he went outside, he said, he was met by a representative of a research company known as CRI Worldwide.
I was tired, I was hungry, and half an hour earlier the police had treated us like crap, Burns said. And this woman is saying, Imagine, in 40 days youll have $4,000! The recruiter made testing drugs sound like a vacation in a five-star hotel, Burns said. Its like a resort selling time shares. They talk about all the benefits first, and it sounds great, but then you start to ask: What do I have to do?
Not long ago, such offers would have been considered unethical. Paying any volunteer was seen as problematic, even more so if the subjects were poor, uninsured, and compromised by illness. Payment, it was argued, might tempt vulnerable subjects to risk their health. As trials have moved into the private sector, this ethical calculus has changed. First came a hike in the sums that volunteers could be paid: Many clinical trial sites now offer over $6,000 for an inpatient drug study. Eligibility requirements have changed, too. For years, trial sites paid only healthy volunteers, mainly to test new drugs for safety. These days people with asthma, diabetes, kidney disease, liver disease, and other conditions can be paid take part in trials.
This story is the first in a two-part investigative special on problems in the clinical trials industry. The second, which asks why disgraced doctors are allowed to test drugs on human volunteers, is available
I don't know what to say, this is just sickening.