General Discussion
In reply to the discussion: When is this killing of police officers going to end !!!!!!!!!!?????????nt [View all]YabaDabaNoDinoNo
(460 posts)For a very long time now, my entire life and i am over 50, the police have been killing, shaking down and harressing people of color in America sometimes justified but many times unjustified and nothing happens to the police.
Is it right to shoot police? no comment.
Be that as it may, it is what it is and from my POV and not having to go through life worrying that a cop is going to shoot me for well damn near any reason they have. White privlidge does have its advantage in this case. I see this whole thing as blow back.
I am of the opinion it is going take a drastic change in policing in America. Do I have the answer for how it should change no, not at this time but I do know what we are doing now is not working but if change does not happen soon the result will be more dead cops
We should also thank the NRA for their unyielding support of every American right to quickly and easily obtain a firearm and ammo. That is also part of the problem too that few will even mention
The 1% decided having plenty of people to fill up the private prisons for profit is more important then actually wanting to serve and protect the people so the cops are told by TPTB fill the prisons but in order to do that they have to bust a few heads so to speak down in the hood, to keep the prisons full. Why the hood because the folk in the hood lack the resources to fight back. It is as simple as that. The primary target of the police is those who can't fight back. It is the same reason why the well off kids don't go directly to jail for less then an oz of weed they have the lawyers, money and connections to make life miserable for the police so why would the police even bother with going after those who can defend themselves?
People will only take so much abuse before they fight back. No I do not know for a fact the the killing of police is an organized activity. But I do know that everything is cause and effect and if cops don't change the way they do their jobs the funeral industry will be the big winner.