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Last edited Mon Dec 5, 2016, 12:04 AM - Edit history (1)
President Obama has been the best thing that happened to this Country in the past, almost eight years now. His approval rating is at an all time high. You would never know that by reading DEMOCRATIC UNDERGROUND. To this day I am reading posts trashing him. Gawd, you people never give up. He has been trashed for years, by the GOP (One term President. You Lie. Ape. Not an American. He does not love this Country. Boy. N***er.) and by people that call themselves Dems here (POSUCS with hundreds and hundreds of RECOMMENDS!)
We are on the cusp of moving out of the light into darkness. We have our fears yet don't know the depths of despair in which we will sink. Under tRump we will lose it all. Our ACA. Medicare. Medicaid. SS. Our Environment. Rights. All. The tRump has declared war on all that are non white men. He has declared open hunting season come 01/20/17. If you are a woman. black. PoC. Jew. LGBTQ. Muslim. aged. different. tread carefully, you have a bulls eye on your back. Stick as close to your friends and family as you can. Watch for abuse around you, help them.
All I said may well be a moot point the psychotic deranged man with his angry puerile 3 am tweets has the nuclear codes. None of us will survive WWIII.
One way or another many people will die. That is a fact.