KRUGMAN: "Yes, The Election Was Hacked" [View all]
Does anyone really doubt that these factors moved swing-state ballots by at least 1 percent? If they did, they made the difference in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania and therefore handed Mr. Trump the election, even though he received almost three million fewer total votes. Yes, the election was hacked.
So as I said, there were a lot of useful idiots this year, and they made the election hack a success.
Now what? If were going to have any hope of redemption, people will have to stop letting themselves be used the way they were in 2016. And the first step is to admit the awful reality of what just happened.
That means not trying to change the subject to campaign strategy, which is a legitimate topic but has no bearing on the question of electoral subversion. It means not making excuses for news coverage that empowered that subversion.
And it means not acting as if this was a normal election whose result gives the winner any kind of a mandate, or indeed any legitimacy beyond the bare legal requirements. It might be more comfortable to pretend that things are O.K., that American democracy isnt on the edge. But that would be taking useful idiocy to the next level.