The people who were blaming Assad for this (who were, "coincidentally", the people who pounced on Saddam
for running his country too) are now stuck in a very nasty cleft stick: They have been actively destroying a
sovereign country (= "regime change" and have - in that very process - been supporting the most savage and
radical Islamic terrorists that the world have known (so far). Now, after all that time and despite all of the
warnings, they are starting to realise that maybe Pandora's Box should have remained closed after all.
Too late.
The situation is currently out of control.
The radical fanatics have been given not only arms & funds (standard CIA behaviour) but also the opportunity
to recruit at a scale that they couldn't have dreamed about a few years ago.
No matter *who* delivers the counterstrikes - US, Europe, Russia - the recruiting machine will be reinforced and
fed with grieving relatives of the "collateral damage". No-one will strike at the source of the problem - Saudi
Arabia & cohorts - but everyone will strike at the people who are dropping the bombs, firing the missiles,
providing the weapons that are killing, maiming & orphaning so many in the Middle East.
September 2001 should have been a wake up call.
It wasn't.
It turned out to be a rallying call for the war-pigs to continue to spread death & destruction across the globe
for the sake of profit.
Welcome to blowback world.