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In reply to the discussion: LA and SF counties OFFICIALLY flipped - Sanders wins both! • Jun 27, 2016 at 1:09am UTC [View all]bjobotts
(9,141 posts)The independent votes but Clinton supporters who are insulting and talking down to Sanders supporters are dividing the vote because what they say to the Bernie supporters they are saying to the independents as well since he leads all comers in the independent voters. Here and at the Maddow blog the insults are rancid making one feel who would vote for someone who has such a-holes for supporters. Time to be pleasant and respectful of our differences and talk issues and not insulting vague generalities. The rude vile demeaning comments about Bernie's motivations etc act as vote killers, making people want to stay home rather than join those making fun of them. This petty shallow thinking focused on the horse race ignores 27 million people who differ slightly in their views but are just as intelligent and involved as those doing the mocking. The Trump on Bernie trolls act like Clinton supporters trying to divide the party by demeaning Bernie supporters. If the Clinton supporters would just stop it then we'd know who the real trolls are.