Living near her district, I've met her a couple of times. I like her. I love her passion and the heavy thinking she brings to issues. Her healthcare reform plan for Wisconsin was brilliant.
Like Dembotoz, I cannot trust her on choice. When her own constituents confronted her on her anti-choice votes after she had pledged otherwise (because she couldn't win a Dem primary otherwise), she couldn't manage to come up with any real explanation other than that she really is anti-choice to assuage them.
But, even if I could get past that, the deal breaker for me would be her lousy fundraising. She has only managed to raise $40,000 since she joined the race. Every state senate candidate out-raised her, and none of them have state-wide races to run. In some places, you can't win a county courthouse seat for $40k - and that's with six months to get your message out. How the hell will she beat Wanker if she can't raise the money?
It's the clearest sign that she hasn't a clue how to run a statewide race and it scares me to death.