Gage's bullshit is the same as 10 years ago: He still can't find a single FDNY first responder who actually believes that the WTC buildings were controlled demolitions, so he just lies by not only taking a statement completely out of context, but also hiding the actual meaning in elipsis. What FDNY Fire Marshal John Coyle actually said was:
Then I heard on the radio all marshals are to report to and I have no idea where it was. Oh, near the Jewish memorial thing.
I made my way over there, found [the other firefighters]. All the guys who were with us were okay. We stood there for a few minutes, and eventually I said, "We shouldn't even be here. This is the Jewish thing. This is a terrorist thing. This is a dumb place to be standing. This thing might blow up." No. Everybody I think at that point still thought these things were blown up. So I fully expected
anything else to blow up.
Coyle is talking about his first impression:
The tower was -- it looked to me -- I thought it was exploding actually. Thats what I thought for hours afterwards, that it had exploded, or the plane, or there had been some device on the plane that had exploded, because the debris from the tower had shot out far over our heads. It was raining down.
Coyle never mentioned
hearing any explosions.
Gage is a fraud and a two-bit huckster.