2016 Postmortem
In reply to the discussion: Video Emerges That Shows Hillary Blaming 2007 Housing Crisis On Homeowners [View all]burfman
(264 posts)I don't know how many people are able to buy their house in cash outright that are not zillion-airs - or perhaps more likely your a lot more disciplined than most of us. I myself got one of those "home-equity" mortgages to finish off the basement in addition to the regular one when I got my house. Things went along OK till the economy melted down in 2008, took the house prices with it and at the same time the company I was with folded. Recently the worth of the house increased just enough to refinance and get it down to one mortgage. I think if the Federal deduction ever went away most of America would have to move out of their houses. Anyways - a tip of my hat for being able to not have that mortgage hanging over your head! Must be nice!