2016 Postmortem
Showing Original Post only (View all)Hats Off to the GOP!!! [View all]
We Democrats owe you a debt of gratitude. Never before has one party done so much to ensure that their opponents will win an election in a landslide.
In the past year and a half, you GOPers have confirmed, repeatedly and unabashedly, that you are the party of hypocrisy, deceit, misrepresentation of the facts, and out-and-out lies. Your base has now shown itself to be comprised of bigots, racists, misogynists, xenophobes and, above all else, the most ill-informed, ill-educated, dumbasses the world has ever seen.
While still holding yourselves out as the party of good Christian family values, you nominated Donald Trump, a candidate who brags about grabbing womens genitals, who invites men to refer to his own daughter as a piece of ass, whose foundation has collected monies for charitable purposes and spent it on himself and his business enterprises, who hasnt paid federal income taxes for almost two decades, and who has cheated hard-working people out of their money by refusing to honour his debts.
In addition, your candidate has insulted every demographic you need to win an election from minorities, to immigrants, to veterans, to women, to the disabled, as well as those of certain ethnic origins and those of certain religious faiths. He is also facing multiple lawsuits, including allegations of the rape of a minor, and his scam of a university that has bilked our fellow citizens out of their savings.
But wait thats not all, not by a long-shot. The man you chose as the standard-bearer of your party has demonstrated, time and again, that he knows absolutely nothing about how our government works, nothing about foreign affairs, nothing about the economy, the military, the tax system, the Constitution, reducing the deficit, creating jobs, or assisting those in need of affordable healthcare.
As though the aforementioned wasnt enough, your candidate never fails to be abrasive, demeaning, and insufferably self-serving. He has lied so often, even devoted fact-checkers cant keep up with his never-ending spew of facts he literally pulls out of his own ass on a daily basis which are invariably (and somewhat laughingly) debunked.
In your desperation to support a candidate you know to be unfit for the position of dog-catcher in some remote town no one has ever heard of no less the presidency of the United States you have abandoned all pretence of having any ethics, any morals, any honesty, and any concern for the well-being of our country or its citizens.
This has been the election cycle of a lifetime. We sincerely thank you for removing your masks (or hooded white sheets, as the case may be), and putting your full support behind a candidate who represents everything you have heretofore condemned. We thank you for finally exposing what you are as a political entity, how low you are willing to sink, and how hypocritical you are capable of being after decades of declaring yourselves to be honest representatives of Christian principles and wholesome family values.
We, as Democrats, cannot thank you enough for finally outing yourselves, and for displaying your complete disregard for everything you have claimed to stand for. Your better-late-than-never honesty has been invaluable in ensuring Hillary Clintons victory in November.
Although we could have done it without your help, we are grateful for your assistance (albeit unintended) in demonstrating just how incompetent, morally corrupt, and completely vacuous your party and its members are.
A year from now, President Hillary Rodham Clinton will be a reality. And a year from now, Donald Trump will be the guy no one will ever admit to having ever supported, no less voted for.
Your days of being thought of as the party of moral rectitude are finally over. By your own words, American voters now know who you are. Theres no coming back from that; there is no unseeing what has been seen, there is no unhearing what has been heard.
So goodbye, Republicans and thanks for everything! We sincerely appreciate your efforts, however unintended, in electing HRC to the presidency!