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UTUSN's Journal
UTUSN's Journal
December 26, 2022

The oligarch Space-niks didn't expect SHATNER's take

What used to be quaintly called "jet-setters" are now known to be Oligarchs with battleship-sized (or should it be "carrier-sized", as in Doctor Evil's "millions - no, billions"?) yachts. And the Oligarchs have left the Greek isles behind in favor of Space, Mars, and such. Plus, they collect human knickknacks to adorn their vessels - a SHATNER here, a STRAHAN there. No run-of-the-mill Nobody to be worthy of their expeditions - *luster* of celebrity is needed for Page Six.



William Shatner: My Trip to Space Filled Me With ‘Overwhelming Sadness’

.... I continued my self-guided tour and turned my head to face the other direction, to stare into space. I love the mystery of the universe. I love all the questions that have come to us over thousands of years of exploration and hypotheses. Stars exploding years ago, their light traveling to us years later; black holes absorbing energy; satellites showing us entire galaxies in areas thought to be devoid of matter entirely… all of that has thrilled me for years… but when I looked in the opposite direction, into space, there was no mystery, no majestic awe to behold . . . all I saw was death.

I saw a cold, dark, black emptiness. It was unlike any blackness you can see or feel on Earth. It was deep, enveloping, all-encompassing. I turned back toward the light of home. I could see the curvature of Earth, the beige of the desert, the white of the clouds and the blue of the sky. It was life. Nurturing, sustaining, life. Mother Earth. Gaia. And I was leaving her. ....

It was among the strongest feelings of grief I have ever encountered. The contrast between the vicious coldness of space and the warm nurturing of Earth below filled me with overwhelming sadness. Every day, we are confronted with the knowledge of further destruction of Earth at our hands: the extinction of animal species, of flora and fauna . . . things that took five billion years to evolve, and suddenly we will never see them again because of the interference of mankind. It filled me with dread. My trip to space was supposed to be a celebration; instead, it felt like a funeral.

I learned later that I was not alone in this feeling. It is called the “Overview Effect” and is not uncommon among astronauts, including Yuri Gagarin, Michael Collins, Sally Ride, and many others. Essentially, when someone travels to space and views Earth from orbit, a sense of the planet’s fragility takes hold in an ineffable, instinctive manner. Author Frank White first coined the term in 1987: “There are no borders or boundaries on our planet except those that we create in our minds or through human behaviors. All the ideas and concepts that divide us when we are on the surface begin to fade from orbit and the moon. The result is a shift in worldview, and in identity.” ....


December 19, 2022

Chris LICHT: "slams 'stunning' left-wing 'vitriol' aimed at him"

When he went from being COLBERT's (Executive?) producer to CNN, some of us/uninformed imagined CNN would be sort of safe, perhaps via having osmosis-swallowed the facile stereotype that it had a Lib slant instead of being down-the-middle, not to mention our assuming that COLBERT is a Lib spokesperson. Then it transpired that the oligarchic new owners (Repuke donors) installed him to make it into Faux-Lite, and indeed he set upon "changes" of firing hosts and reporters who seemed Lib and issued dicta against language and framing that could be construed as Lib.

But the big reveal was that, COLBERT was not his incubator, but rather his being the early producer for SCARBOROUGH in Scabs' vociferous wingnut days, with OLBERMANN informing that LICHT was Scabs' hatchet man, bullying the MSNBC timid boss into getting Lib guests blackballed from Lib hosts' shows, under the threat that Scabs would not show up for work if the purges didn't happen.

And a month or so ago COLBERT told Charlemagne tha God that LICHT is misunderstood, has "only the best of intentions."

By the bye, COLBERT is the best and around here MAHER is dirt, but there are YouTubes of MAHER saying he *hates* COLBERT ("gives the corporate machine what it wants" ) and MAHER guesting on COLBERT with the mutual hostility thick enough to cut, with MAHER telling him, "You probably voted for NIXON", which COLBERT sat through without replying.

*** But in today's LICHT item (original from NYT/paywall), confusion (for me) - so besides making CNN more "hard news," he was hired "to tamp down anti-Trump/left-leaning" but he sees it to be Centrist as "normal" but not "vanilla" and with an "edge." And, reminiscent of MUSK, he wants us to take with us to have conversations but criticizing HIM is "vitriol". He sounds arrogant, like how dare anybody question him who is On High.

That's how some media types sound, like, it's THEIR place to talk down about the news and opinions, how dare us Keyboard Jockeys dare to have access to news that doesn't come from their mouths and dare to consider ourselves equal and most of all to TALK BACK to them? They don't get that Al GORE's internet means INTERACTION, not Moses on the mountain.



CNN boss Chris Licht slams ‘stunning’ left-wing ‘vitriol’ aimed at him

.... Licht was tasked with bringing CNN back to its hard-news roots, to tamp down on anti-Trump, left-leaning punditry, and to cut costs.

He told the Times he thinks of people in the political center as “normal” — but insists appealing to “normal” people doesn’t mean the content should be boring.

“The uninformed vitriol, especially from the left, has been stunning,” Licht, who took over the cable network in May, told The New York Times. “Which proves my point: So much of what passes for news is name-calling, half-truths and desperation.” ....

He told the Times he wants the network to be a place for “rational conversation about polarizing issues.” ....


December 7, 2022

GOP needs to change its moniker, proposed: Party of Stunts. - Oh, look, it fits: POS.

But as Napoleon said, "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." We don't want to give them tips on what/how to improve their chances, not that they ever listen to obvious things like the-nose-on-your-face, lying-eyes and such.

The really prescient points Christian WALKER makes: 1- Repukes claim they don't play identity politics but run/nominate based on skin color, and, 2- "A boring old (Repuke) could have won."

Actually, Poppy BUSH got the STUNT/gimmick/trap ball rolling when he nominated Uncle Clarence to the court: Finding a willing Minority tool, somebody from a normally Democratic constituent group, on the surface putting the Dems over the barrel of having to oppose ("attack" ) somebody from a supposed constituent group. And the Repukes have caught the pass ever since, Shrub picking stooge Beto GONZALES for Attorney General and others/later countless other candidate tools. Human nature (NIETZSCHE, "All too human" ) collaborators are found in every group everywhere.

Dems felt trapped by this stunt for decades - all sheepish, acting "guilty", embarrassed, put-upon. The answer to it: Ignore the racial/ethnic "identity" and focus on the self-proclaimed *ideology* - i.e., We take you at your word that you are an unqualifiedly declared Wingnut, and THAT is why we oppose you.

But the Repukes also unwittingly exposed their own game, Orrin HATCH with his Shirley Temple pout, saying, "How can the Dems oppose a MINORITY, Mee-gwell ESTRADA when they claim to stand for minorities?!" - iow, Mee-gwell was SELECTED by them *because* he was a minority member. It was overtly a racial argument.

And as Hershel's son says, the Hershel thing happened *because* of the skin color. The irony being (wingnuts are oblivious to irony) that if they were true to themselves and picked an Old White Male, they would have won.

*** But while Drumpf is above all a master of Marketing, branding, attention-grabbing STUNT-er, he doesn't do things out of knowledge of history or student of tactics but only from his own Con/Mob mentality. He just happened to fit the pattern. Or a cynical thought might be that Poppy and the wingnuts just adapted their own dirty tricks from the Con/Mob mentality with a patina of respectability.



Herschel Walker's son says Trump called his father for months demanding that he run, while 'everyone with a brain' begged him not to

His son, Christian Walker, tweeted on Tuesday that his father had rejected calls not to run after Trump repeatedly told him to enter the race.

"The Truth: Trump called my dad for months DEMANDING that he run," Christian Walker said. "Everyone with a brain begged him: 'PLEASE DON'T DO THIS. This is too dirty, you have an insane past… PLEASE DONT DO THIS.' We got the middle finger. He ran."

He also accused the Republican Party of running his father in the election because of his skin color.

"Republicans, we say we don't play 'identity politics' and then you ran this man mainly because he was the same skin color as his opponent with no background other than football," he tweeted. "A boring old Republican could have won." ….

October 27, 2022

Pls indulge my immaturity in trolling my local radio wingnut station

Sent them triple whammy graphics, saying, It was SO satisfying and exciting to mail off my Nielsen radio ratings diary today! Not a single mark for K*** (call letters), since the random couple of minutes spent there are so negligible as to be undetectable, and, as I've said before, all it takes is any given couple of minutes to catch out their twisted propaganda, schoolyard bullying, misdirections, distortions, perverted world view, et al.

And the Phillies part is because the wingnuts love the Astros. The Democratic graphic's meaning to them is obvious.

October 5, 2022

"Garbo speaks"? - Haberman *SMILES* (lots) with COLBERT (nobody better than him)

ON EDIT: Given the first-blush disapproving posts about this subject:: Merely posting doesn't equate, unless specified, with endorsement of a subject person/topic. It can be a character, psychological, questing exercise. I've wondered over the years why Drumpf keeps talking to her, despite his occasional slam, since she often spills negative bits about him. In this instance, in *all* of her appearances everywhere else, I have noted, on the one hand how dour/severe/self-guarded she always is, and, on the other, how her hosts give her special treatment, deference, almost reverence or even fear. So I wondered how COLBERT would deal with her, since the tidbits of content about Drumpf have been spilled all over elsewhere and whether he would also almost bow and scrape. This is one of the only times I have underestimated him. He disarmed her from the get-go, zeroed in on her severe facade elsewhere, and kept her in almost-stitches.

September 25, 2022

Update to my Tweety (hair) profile graphic, since he has put a toe in to re-emerge

It's the same old chestnut but the link to the graphic had stopped working, and bad pennies never go away, and there are apparently very young peeps who don't know Tweety. What's good is that many YOOTs out there don't remember or never knew RAYGUN, only hear panderers from both parties calling him "great." And LIMBAUGH is not mentioned at all.

Etymology of "Tweety". During Campaign 2000 the media noise machine was swooning over the nicknames Shrub was giving some of them. Media Whores Online ran a contest to nickname Chris MATTHEWS. In the first three or so weeks, there was no clear, catchy front runner, with "The Screamer" sort of leading. Then one of MATTHEWS's own Hardball staff leaked to MWO that they themselves called him "Tweety" because of the Clairol shade of hair coloring he favored. This was immediately declared the winner. But in some quarters, it wasn't entirely satisfactory. For one thing, by the time the name was declared, the shade had changed to platinum, leading to a suggestion he be called "Carole LOMBARD".

Plus, "Tweety" sounded too affectionate. 

His Misogyny.  Then M-TV held its 20th or 25th or whatever anniversary, and all the cable echo chambers were doing segments of Britney shedding her duds down to almost nothing. Not to be left behind, Tweety followed suit, with a guest "culture" commentator from Time Mag, the young humor columnist, Joel STEIN. The staff kept re-running the Britney clip, and Tweety was clearly DROOLING disgustingly. STEIN said, "You're beginning to creep me out." Tweety responded, "Yeah, well, wait till YOU're 50." This led to the suggestion that "Tweety" be modified to "Tweezer" to retain the hair reference while canceling out the affection factor and also adding the (dirty old) "geezer" angle.

Back when, misogyny was a wink-wink/smirk-smirk thing among the old style flunkies like him, there were many examples of his, with HRC being his prime target for years until she was becoming a real contender, when he yearned to host her, but the bridges had been burned.
But here's a vignette from back in the day, regarding his wife Kathleen. He deigned to host her or let her co-host a segment or so, this time with him and another recycled miscreant Mike BARNICLE. She was standing like at the front of a class and they two were sitting like the smirking, spit-balling, Catholic schoolboy-jerks that they really are. She trudged through her presentation, taking her subject seriously while the two of them smirked, giggled, and mocked all the way. But regarding Kathleen, he exemplifies one signature characteristic of misogynists: Despite the obviously hostile behaviors, they claim to adore, honor, put-on-a-pedestal women. And Tweety frequently does that over-compensating, protests-too-much thing by referring to her as, "MY QUEEN."
*************So flash forward decades to the TWITLER atrocious era, specifically calling Senator WARREN “Pocahontas.” Tweety hosted her soon after a TWITLER episode of it, besides a manic outburst of his sputtering interrupting, almost giggling every time he said that name, catching himself each time then protesting that it was a horrible thing, like Beavis/Butthead giggling at a dirty word. So WARREN kept to the high road and that TWITLER was not going to silence her. So then he struck, like when he lashed out at DONAHUE. He was in bursting giggle mode and said, "So, for you 'Pocahontas' will be like a clarion call for you to come charging out!1" and he busted his gut. WARREN looked sucker punched.
Darrell HAMMOND "Doing" Tweety on SNL. Tweety's ego was massively stroked after the debut of HAMMOND's impersonation of him, either in 2001 or 2002. He said, "I am now an ICON: I have been 'done' on Saturday Night Live'." The funniest line in the debut was HAMMOND as Tweety, cracking himself up with, "For the ... FIFTY ... people who watch this show...” (Hardball, not SNL). In the first few times HAMMOND featured him, the target was Tweety himself -- manically interrupting, spitting, and drooling. However, the characterization evolved, not true to the original, where Tweety became the "rational" character surrounded by oddball, extremist "guests", with HAMMOND-Tweety shaking his head in disbelief at their partisan spin.   

"Turning" from Being a Democrat. He (like G.E.RUSSERT and Pat CADDELL) still trades on having been a Democrat in the CARTER/O'NEILL era. In the hothouse of big time political flunkydom, STATUS and POWER come from the SUCCESS of your boss. RAYGUN kicked Tweety's bosses' rears, and Tweety gravitated to admiring that "success". When he started up his media career he was mentored by G.E. RUSSERT, who had himself already started "turning" by "reaching out" to LIMBOsevic and expending his formerly-Lib-bleeding-heart on those poor wingnuts who had been maligned and marginalized by the Liberal Elite, lo those many years. Tweety started doing video valentines to RAYGUN, promenading arm in arm with Nancy. He might have tapped into the frenzy of the FAKE impeachment, but "hatred of the CLINTONs" isn't what made him turn. The last time he was identifiably a Democrat was sometime around 1988 when Hardball (the book) was published.  Throughout the year of Campaign 2000 he savaged the Dem candidate daily and went on to years of bromance over Shrub, renouncing any Democratic heritage.  He said his parents were “cloth coat" (Rethugs), and that basically what first drew him to the Dem side was Irish-Catholic pride over JFK.  Not ideology, not idealism.  He said the reason he joined the Peace Corps was specifically to avoid going to Vietnam. 

How Tweety "Executed" DONAHUE on MSNBC. Tweety was on his book tour for another one of his "books" (large type, wide spaces between lines, blank half-pages). It was in the jingoistic hysteria in the run-up to the illegal Iraq attack. The book was about supposed "Americanism" -- an American Civ 101 ripoff about books and movies and cultural stuff that are essentially American (think, "The Great Gatsby" ). So Phil welcomed him as a colleague and peer on Phil's MSNBC show for the full hour to plug the book. From the moment he appeared, there was a strange, deadly snake look in Tweety's snake eyes. Phil was walking around the audience, apparently not sensing anything, while Tweety was motionless, following him only with his eyes. Phil brought up something or other questioning blind, kneejerk jingoism, and Tweety STRUCK! He started out with venom dripping, "You see, THIS is EXACTLY what's wrong with YOU Liberals: You are NEGATIVE about this country, you find NOTHING good about it," and on and on. It took awhile before Phil figured out what was happening. Later, Phil, devastated and spent, was sitting at the table with Tweety and, weaker and weaker, did some of his trademark shoulder shrugging and arm waving. Tweety delivered the coup de grace, "What's THIS (mimicking the movements)??!! What's with the --APE-- movements???!" Days or a week or two later, Phil's cancellation was announced and took effect. 

How Tweety "Triggered" a Gun Incident (re: Kathleen WILLEY). At the height of the FAKE impeachment, Ms WILLEY claimed that a mystery jogger had threatened her or her cat or somebody, with the insinuation that there was a CLINTON connection. Several months later, there was gossip that the jogger had been identified. Tweety hosted her and it appeared they had discussed the identity off camera. He tried mightily to get her to say the name on the air, which she wouldn't do. Finally, he himself blurted it out, "Was it (Name/Surname)?" She wouldn’t confirm it. Within days there was a bizarre incident, with the mentally disabled brother of Pat and Bay BUCHANAN going with a gun to the house of the supposed jogger named by Tweety, where there were only some foreign exchange students present. Later it was determined that the person Tweety named on the air had NOTHING to do with the supposed jogger incident. 

"Heroes" Tweety and Tom DeLAY. In the aftermath of the 07-24-98 shooting of two Capitol police officers when the slain officers were duly eulogized and called heroes, Tweety latched on to this, the way we have seen him attempt to glorify himself in other instances: Like saying he was assigned to Africa in the Peace Corps and "WALKED THE SAME GROUND" THAT CHURCHILL had passed through. Or when he said, "I am an ICON! I have been 'done' by SNL!". So now that the Capitol policemen were being called heroes, Tweety came forward to say that HE had been a Capitol policemen, TOO, JUST LIKE THEM, when he was starting out. It turns out that he had worked a (temporary?) job for three months as that. In all the years before the officers were shot and eulogized, he probably NEVER referred to that job, most likely thinking of it as a rent-a-cop turn, until he could see in retrospect the glory that he had been DESTINED to from the beginning.  

But he is not the only glory hog. When that incident was happening, the news of the moment reported that Tom DELAY had hopped a plane out of town and immediately turned around in Houston when the incident was over. This show of courage is why he has been dubbed, "Tom-DePLANE!-DePLANE!-DELAY".  But searches of countless news reports of that time show no mention of the hopping-the-plane. Only this is left: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/national/longterm /... "...House members, many rushing out of town, did not have to remain behind. DeLay slipped out the main door of the Capitol less than 15 minutes after the shooting. He looked stricken. Asked if he'd seen anything, he said, "Did I ever. I don't want to talk about it." Aides rushed him into his waiting car. ...."

September 23, 2022

The Draft: PUTIN has blundered into unlearning what American NeoCons used in Iraq/Afghanistan

Using only anecdotal projection (as opposed to research of some sort), I postulate that:

* a significant part of the country's turning against the Vietnam War was opposition to the Draft, more than being anti-war or even the exposing of the deceptions of it all.

* The American NeoCons, in mounting their long dreamed of Iraq Attack, congealed their strategy from their lesson learned from Vietnam: The Draft is a lightning rod for dissent and opposition to whatever war - with other auxiliary issues for opposing ("peace", anti-war, unjust war) being covers, window dressing, multipliers for the main opposition (the Draft).

So, the NeoCons cut a Draft for Iraq *out* of the picture: All-volunteer troops, necessitating multiple tours of duty because of needed more numbers, as opposed to the one-year tour in Vietnam.

*** So here comes PUTEEN in desperation to salvage his emerging disaster, needing to bolster his forces, and falling into the trap of thinking that rounding up bodies will become an overpowering military machine.

Uh, Draftees tend to be less militaristic, more civilian disposed, anti-AUTHORITY, less disciplined, more skeptical, perhaps more educated, less impressed with military ritual/tradition/indoctrination, etc. But above all, mostly just do NOT WANT TO BE THERE. And the momentum is for plain opposition to the war, spreading exponentially through families and communities.

So, we're seeing Russian potential draftees and their families resisting loudly and fleeing the country. If those who stay behind favored the war the Draft would not be needed.

September 2, 2022

Turns out LICHT is a longtime wingnut flunky dating back to JoeSCABS, Keith warned us:

Some of us more than others have been referencing how LICHT's hacking away at CNN is surprising given his having been COLBERT's executive producer. Keith has tons of history on him: That LICHT was SCABS's "henchman" at MSNBC, who would scare the head honcho Phil GRIFFIN into cutting guests on Keith's and other MSNBC shows who were deemed to be too Lib or whom SCABS's Repuke friends found offensive (to them) and would threaten that SCABS would "not come in to work tomorrow" if GRIFFIN didn't do the bidding or if GRIFFIN would discipline SCABS for trash talking fellow MSNBC hosts.

I for one hereby apologize for bringing COLBERT into this.

*** ON EDIT P.S. - I remember when bowtie CARLSON had an afternoon circus on MSNBC under a guise of being a "nice" wingnut at that time and his producer was Willie GEIST, and Bowtie would bromance GEIST and bring him on camera lots. Both of them were broadcaster/legacy kids. I stopped watching Morning Scabs in 2012 but watched GEIST and Mika Mouse rehabilitate Scabs, with GEIST cultivating his own mainstream status and spread over into Today, while Bowtie festered into his rapacious Faux self. And I've often wondered what relationship those two have and whether GEIST is a double agent. Mika Mouse, too, now for that matter.


Keith Olbermann @KeithOlbermann
My full length warning to you about Chris Licht and @cnn

- how at MSNBC he was Joe Scarborough's henchman and got guests on my show, Maddow's, and Schultz's, banned or cancelled - is in Ep. 19 of the Countdown podcast, at about 29:30.

Listen here: https://omny.fm/shows/countdown-with-keith-olbermann/episode-15-countdown-with-keith-olbermann-8-19-22



August 28, 2022

Same framing from 2015 applies now.

Back then my local radio talkshow wingnuts were yukking it up over the prospect of *winning* with an out-of-the-box weirdo, for whom they went out their way to make his every major offense out to be a mere peccadillo. The head wingnut called him a "Populist." Same as during the Iraq Attack he bought Shrub's many "reasons" for the illegal attack, to the effect that we anti-illegal/attack Libs were racist about Arabs, that we didn't believe Arabs were "capable of democracy."

So when one or another woman made allegations of sexual impropriety against Drumpf, the head wingnut sprung to defend, on the grounds that all such allegations were being made because "he's a target for being a billionaire."

I called-in and said that the framing was wrong, should be: “Because he’s a billionaire he thinks he can have or do anything he wants.” The head wingnut was taken aback and had to admit that it WAS a matter of framing.

*** So, besides all the criminality that runs through Drumpf’s neurons, the root motive in Drumpf for just about everything is the entitled belief that anything that catches his fancy is HIS PROPERTY – no concept of democracy and service, that all the government, military, now documents are HIS PROPERTY.

It’s not certain whether he’s even a billionaire, but he also claims to OWN that word. He even thinks he OWNS “employees” (whom he doesn’t pay).

*** For the record, I believe in his Mob criminality in all things. My suggestion about the relatively downscale entitlement is just one little bit.

August 13, 2022

My local radio wingnut microcosm of the Drumpf defense talking points

So Wingnut #1’s engrained, ideological slant even permeates “neutral” topics, like movie reviews. He heard that RAYGUN was considered for Casablanca before the Lib BOGART was cast. He pondered this and the “Lib” label was not mentioned, but he came down on keeping BOGART there as the perfect choice for the role while blurting out, “I *LOVED* (RAYGUN) as president, but… (in other words, RAYGUN was no BOGART)“.

It was a foregone conclusion that he would regard RAYGUN like that, and no surprise that Drumpf is not the first snake oil salesman Wingnut #1 has fallen for, or rather snake oil salesmen are his breed of choice. Luckily, to young generations RAYGUN is non-existent, just an abstraction resulting from hearing the drumbeat of how “great” RAYGUN supposedly was (a pandering committed by Democrats beyond the predictable Repukes) versus what we who lived through that period know about his October Surprises, Iran-Contra, ignoring AIDS, lifelong grifting, and much more.

*** Wingnut #1 relies obsessively on tropes/canards to play "Why don't YOU do something?"

Trope1: (Re: gun control) – “They complain but don’t say WHAT to do!” - *LIE* - (multi-purpose for other issues)

Trope2: (Re: Drumpf) – “If Drumpf would just SHUT UP/stop Tweeting he would be FINE!” - *LIE*

Trope3: (Re: immigration) – variation of #1: “They complain about fixing immigration but don’t say WHAT to do!” - *LIE*

The obvious response to the lying tropes is: Nothing gets done because you wingnuts block any of the remedies.

*** To surmise what Wingnut #1 and the rest of Drumpf defenders find about him so valuable as to save him at all costs: It derives from the Great White Hope syndrome: How, when Black boxers became champions, the White fans kept hoping for a White to emerge as the great conqueror to “make boxing White again” (to paraphrase a phrase), always looking, hoping, hopes dashed and dashed. It’s like trying to find somebody of character and integrity in the long list of wingnut crazies. Like how Wingnut #1 claims that CHURCHILL was greater than FDR. Note: CHURCHILL was a racist and colonialist and there would be no WWII CHURCHILL without FDR. Oh, here’s a thread in common fitting CHURCHILL with RAYGUN and Drumpf: Cheerleading, rousing or riling peeps up. RAYGUN had the benefit of Hollywood studio training (not enough to make him an A-list actor, but good enough for wingnut suckers).

So when Wingnut #1 says it’s TOO SOON and WE DON’T KNOW ENOUGH to toss Drumpf to the ash heap, what he’s WAITING for is some golden get-out-of-jail KEY that completely discredits the investigations, the way he claims all previous allegations (Russia, pee tape) were discredited (and, no, Hillary didn't start them - the Russia thing started with RUBIO's campaign - besides being *TRUE* ) .

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