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UTUSN's Journal
UTUSN's Journal
July 19, 2024

Scripted patches on the TelePrompter, the longer parts being the usual crying out for LOVE

Thank Zeus IT (the Repuke convention) is *over*! Yaas, I kept up all four nights, via The Young Turks who played the speeches with the Turks’ commentary in real time. I don’t need anybody else’s to feed my opinions, but a sample of the networks showed that they were reciting the buzz (“He’s changed, he’s going for Unity, blah etc.). The Turks punctuated with “Lie … (fact check here) … Oh-yeah you’re the greatest… ).

The 93 minutes long thing was this: Patches of high flown language on the TelePrompter, read by him in an uninterested monotone, but the longer parts in between the patches were AD LIBBED, interminable, same crap of incredibly NEEDY narcissism, can never get any and enough LOVE to fill up the HOLE he’s got, all me-me (self-pity, recrimination, grievance), pie-in-the-sky and unsupported boasting and promises. “Unity” – hah, “all Americans” UNDER HIM. The usual personal attacks (“crazy PELOSI”) and rigging and weaponizing, praise of thug dictators Hungary’s and Kim, with the new one of Venezuela. Those are the names he said want him back.

When the droning wouldn’t stop, I looked up from my Kindle to see if he was winding down and I’ll say this, he never stopped for a hydrating sip of anything or even a breath. A radio wingnut says we paint him as outside the pale of human, and am now almost agreeing that he is some kind of alien life form. His hero HITLER used to orgasm during his diatribes.



Chris Wallace Hits Back on Claim Trump Has Changed: ‘He Couldn’t Keep Up the Act’ in ‘Rambling’ RNC Speech


July 17, 2024

We didn't believe the Drumpf "unity"/lower-temps things, neither did the MAGATs -

After another night of craven sycophancy at his convention, when he might be expected to pass out satiatedly, king Drumpf posted this overnight:

Yeah, we're being beaten to a pulp with the "lower the temperature" meme, with the embedded message that it's LIBs doing the bad thing or at most that it's a Both Sides thing although only the Libs are being reprimanded and the solution is only to Be Nice to Drumpf. Since when does the (TRUE) phrase "existential threat to democracy" qualify as hate speech compared to all of the crap coming from Drumpf and his zombies (LIES, personal INSULTS) - (not a question). Also, immediately upon the ear incident the dicta went out that: Drumpf rose from the near-dead "a changed man" and literally in some circles that God saved him, plus that he realized his God given mission was now to spread UNITY (meaning. unify-UNDER-ME). Never mind that the very first comment after the ear came from the soon-to-be-named-Veep VANCE saying that BIDEN incited the ear violence and a senator said BIDEN should be charged with "incitement".

So yes I am subjecting myself to the torture of keeping tabs on the Repuke convention - "Repuke" is hate speech? Am referring to the physiological effect on me - which is what I have done forever, before I knew keep-enemies-close was a Godfather thing. Not that I needed to find out what a projectile barfing it would be of shamelessness, unconcealed non-Unity and unlowered temperature. I don't need to learn what I always knew about the wingnut world view, the most recent new learning being in recent years about how false their erstwhile claims to patriotism, freedom, and Law have been all along. "Family values" had crashed long ago (cf., Dick MORRIS toe-sucking).

So last night the cravenness just kept rolling along, with king Drumpf and his Replacement-in-Evil-VANCE in the royal box. Yaas, all the "love" pouring out to Drumpf, who finally surpassed his mentor/Roy COHN's parties where each guest gushed out reverence and sycophancy at the host. Not that the display was unexpected, my viewing now being to rank how far each one went. Why, RUBIO went so far as to lick VANCE, at which the twosome royals looked at each other with pleased surprise. RUBIO had enough left over from just-Drumpf to spill over onto VANCE.

And no surprise that HALEY did her curtsey since she had done that months ago. And oh, she was intelligent, witty, arch, and brave - seeming. But the main lesson was her complete crash in the area of principles. Back when she was railing about how unfit Drumpf is for any meaningful thing in society she sounded so credible - well, except for that why-is-she-a-Repuke thingy. That masterful delivery of pauses and archness left it hanging out there whether she might be playing a mind game with Drumpf and his zombies ("zombies" there I go again! ). Other possibilities, a job in the regime to "work from within" or biding her time for the next cycle (if there is one).

I've never really called the MAGATs stupid, so it wasn't much of a lesson, but last night was verification that the MAGATs never believed the "unity" or "changed man" or "lower the temperature" memes. So, absent "stupid" it leaves only things like evil, malicious, ugly-minded, et al.

Source for the graphic above:

July 16, 2024

O.K., who's got the pic of the ear square bandage? I've got the ketchup one.

Will be working on a Drumpf Bizarre Pics series - the mug shot, this that...

The square bandage one will be priceless! - Whoa that Marsha BRADBURN is grating! - (will be using TYT outlet for the duration)

July 14, 2024

We're in milking season, Repubs are milking for "unity" & "higher ground" & crackdown

Google says that milking season (dairy) is from Spring to Winter. On 09-29-2001, GHOULiani declared on Saturday Night Live that the official mourning was over, eighteen days after 9-11. The shady John CONNELLY wore the bandages for his wounds from the JFK assassination (a theory is out there saying he was the real target, but that's another digression) for months, a possible other milking period. Even RAYGUN's shooting waned eventually as the tell-all books from his staff emerged.

So the Repub convention is going to be a whole week of milking, ARRRGH. It shouldn't be a gold card for erasing all the Drumpf criminal acts, character deficiencies, and personal atrocities on others. He is quite capable of extending his self-pity, victimhood, and craving for attention forever. We should be able to rule out the 9-11 and JFK periods, leaving the 18 days as a far cut-off for the ear-nibbling milking.

The punditry morning has been devoted to Repubs bemoaning how our all-Lib mean climate has been demonizing Drumpf as HITLER and Fascist and MAGA (unfairly, unjustly?) Get how the embedded message is that Drumpf and MAGATs have NO/ZERO responsibility for their own beliefs and activities - everything just HAPPENS to them, and always inflicted by mean Libs?

SCALESE even said that the comedians being SO MEAN has to STOP! - uh, don't events like Reichstag fires result in *CRACKDOWNS*?

Since our Board usually demands supporting citations for every contention, big or little, the first video is the source for the reported "glass" (not a bullet) nibbling at Drumpf's ear having come from a - wait for it - *TELEPROMPTER*! - Yaas, it must have been a Lib TelePrompter on malicious loan from President BIDEN.

*** ON EDIT: *** Oh, and wingnuts always say, when there’s a mass shooting, that Now is Not the Time to talk about gun control. Well, it’s true that it was a Mean TelePrompter, not the AR-15, that nibbled at Drumpf’s ear.

July 14, 2024

I posted on a right wing site about their prayers for Drumpf

A couple of months ago this site popped into my YouTube feed, appears to be operated by somebody (maybe from Venezuela) whose profile is that his family's business and house were lost to a left wing government. It's not clear whether he's in the U.S. but he comments on U.S. politics, all wingnut and especially worshiping Drumpf and demonizing President BIDEN and all Democrats. The repliers seem to range from in the U.S. to Central and South America and Puerto Rico - 100% in agreement hating "globalists, Socialists, lgbtq." Especially peeving are the U.S. Citizens Puerto Ricans, vociferously Drumpfists.

*** So before today I was posting, "This site appears to be for those raised in (right wing) dictatorships and want to bring that poison here with Trump. You think he will restore you to what you lost over there, but he doesn't care about you and despises you. Whether from the Right or the Left, it's still dictatorship.

*** And today the thing was packed 100% for their "dear Trump" with kooky stuff about Dems doing it and prayers to their god to save him. So I posted, adding the previous one at the end:
You should be asking your god to give him the grace to stop running for the presidency, so that the country, the Constitution, and democracy can be saved.

July 13, 2024

Drumpf know *nothing* - NOTHING!1 - about Project 2025!1

Compared to (local radio Wingnut #1's) couple of years haranguing on Benghazi, his trouple of years boosting the Neo-Con attack on Iraq (claiming that Libs believed that Arabs were inferior about being able to sustain democracy) before now bragging that he finally turned against it, and most recently falsely claiming that Project 1619 is indoctrinating school curricula (not anywhere), and projectile barfing resentment against “Harvard” over Two-State peace – he briefly dismisses Lib concerns regarding the Fascist Project 2025 as panties-in-wad. (Yeah, I’m enhancing his quotes with poetic license.)

In adolescence I was immersed in SHIRER’s Rise & Fall Third Reich and more on HITLER and those topics, and in the ‘70s believed that Cabaret was definitive in its artistic depiction of same, but lo these decades later I’ve gotten around to the Christopher ISHERWOOD real life versions (Goodbye to Berlin, Christopher and His Kind) and there’s no business like real life business.

Drumpf is a small man, even smaller than HITLER, he will spawn (along with supposedly spawning Barron), a similarly vast body of published research on how he overthrew democracy in the U.S. – decades of books and movies, if a freedom to publish atmosphere resurges afterwards. For book cover art, Panties-in-a-Wad will be perfect.

Now that 2025 is getting negative traction, Drumpf claims he knows nothing about it. Uh, the main author Jonathan BERRY and his co-zombies came directly from Drumpf’s regime – and his early spawning was as clerking for ALITO-nee-satan.

EWwww, look at all the Whiteness and “maleness” – blinding!

Kevin ROBERTS: Jonathan BERRY:| Catholic Law in Washington, DC


Jonathan BERRY

…. In government, Mr. Berry headed the regulatory office at the U.S. Department of Labor, where he oversaw the development process of dozens of proposed and final rules. As the Regulatory Policy Officer, he regularly represented the Department to the Executive Office of the President and the Office of Management and Budget. During Mr. Berry’s tenure, the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs credited the Department of Labor with over ten billion dollars in deregulatory cost savings for the American public.

Mr. Berry previously served at the Department of Justice’s Office of Legal Policy, where he assisted with the confirmations of Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch and dozens of other federal judges, and also with the development of the Sessions and Brand memos on proper use of subregulatory guidance documents. He also served as Chief Counsel to the President-Elect Trump Transition, advising on ethics and legal policy. ….

Mr. Berry previously served as a law clerk to Judge Jerry E. Smith of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, and to Associate Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr., of the Supreme Court of the United States. ….

DEFEAT Project 2025

Project 2025: The Right’s Dystopian Plan to Dismantle Civil Rights and What It Means for Women

With careful planning, conservatives today are working to make their policy priorities permanent—no matter what happens in future elections.


Jonathan BERRY:

Other culprits:
(look under "Heritage" crap

July 5, 2024

My email to my local radio wingnut talkshow hosts about the current ugliness

Am not going to post the report here/DU quoting Drumpf's disgusting attack on President BIDEN and VP HARRIS, *not*/because on the basis of how predictably disgusting his ever new low always is. What's notable is that neither the media nor people at large are particularly airing it out, just meh. As for my comment about "putting myself in their mindset," this is response to the radio chief wingnut accusing me of never ever having tried to put myself in the shoes of the Deplorables to attempt to understand them. The reference to "us Elites" is in response to his frequent calling Libs "elites" out of touch with common people.

*** My email:
So nothing about Drumpf is news: The 10% tip of the iceberg that we know about him is quite enough – that is, enough for the majority of people who have the basic levels of decency, lawfulness, and morality/ethics. And, no, the country is not divided 50-50; the division being of likely voters. It's way more against Drumpf. We likely will never even know that 90% below the surface, but what’s astounding is that it is completely SUPERFLOUS compared to the 10%, the 10% being so atrocious and repulsive, thankee vurry mooch.

So, as with all of his holiday greetings when he ignores whatever the holiday is about (country, veterans, Christmas) to barf up personal attacks on his target-of-the-day – here he is (link not included in DU) borrowing bleeding-heartness (sarcasm) to bestow out there.

There is no point either in being scandalized at his detestability or in defending his target. What’s interesting is that nothing he says or does alienates his cult Deplorables, not one whit. Having put myself in their mindset to understand them (snicker, snark), I know very well that they see themselves in him, he gets even more admiration from them for giving them permission to let their hatefulness out from their innards. The elite kicker that entertains us Elites (snark) and hits back at him and them is that their Drumpf despises them, only uses them to fill the hole in his soul, that he has a condition of clinical criminality in his psyche. Now, thinking: All the names he calls his Deplorables…

Oh, by the bye, the formerly off-limits Barron was in the golf cart with him when he barfed out his words. Starting out at this level of things, what oh what will Barron turn out to be?

July 2, 2024

YouTube ABC News analyst: "Character matters so don't elect a criminal."

This was after President BIDEN's speech. Her laissez faire freedom take was, don't depend on Law to do everything, don't vote for somebody who has no self-restrictions instead of asking Law to do the restricting.

Got it. Gotta go out to school me some Deplorables.

*** There's a thread about John DEAN's take on this, that all of NIXON's stuff would be thrown out by this decision as official acts. Yip, tapes as conversations with employees, enemies list as safeguarding national security, war crimes, whatever. Am adding about "character" - NIXON had leftover of that quaint time fuddy duddy restrictions of honor and History. Is it needed to say Drumpf has NOTHING of such things (rhetorical here, no question mark).

July 1, 2024

Just a peanut gallery *VENT* - my email to the local radio talkshow wingnuts, who

will be ecstatic. And note to the legal eagles and any pompous pedants, this is a *venting* post, not an exercise in ivory tower exegesis. Worthy of just skipping it.

*** So Drumpf can fire an Attorney General for not prosecuting his enemies
Because hiring/firing an employee is an official act. And NIXON’s tapes would be covered under official act. And NIXON’s Enemies List (& retributions) can be called actions against threats to national security and covered under official act.

And Clarence THOMAS threw in (whatever decision) that he considers that Special Counsel Jack SMITH was ILLEGALLY APPOINTED, which Aileen CANNON has been entertaining in Florida.

O.K., Joe, I didn’t waste any time thinking about Hunter before and I admired Joe’s decency in not doing it, but *NOW*, go ahead and Pardon him for all past and potential charges – because Pardoning is an official act. He actually had that power before, but now who cares. All bets are off on “democracy” – not to mention DECENCY. NIXON had some decency and honor and knowledge/respect for History from that quaint time back then.

Oh, well, “precedent” has already been nullified by the wingnuts on this court, so THEIR decisions now may someday be thrown out by defeating their presidents and nominating opposing Justices. One side overthrowing the other, over and over. Sounds like willy nilly arbitrariness. So as the Greeks learned, democracy doesn’t work.



The Supreme Court rules for a North Dakota truck stop in a new blow to federal regulations

CNN’s Harry Enten Reveals Republican Voters Believe Only Trump Should Have Immunity, But Not Another President


June 28, 2024

A tale of two networks: MSNBC and CNN

So this morning, the Joe SCABS and Mika MOUSE crew had been through some sort of intensive enhanced interrogation and water-boarding. Scabs started off with a painful, attempted impression of CRONKITE calling the Vietnam war off. His delivery was dragged down with mysterious portents of uncertainty about where his paragraphs were going to end up, aching pauses, mournfulness. It took him many minutes to get past how much he loved, respected, and honored President BIDEN, finally to arrive at the opposite end featuring the word “horrible” over and over. Mika MOUSE took over, at first attempting to ameliorate things by saying nobody should panic, only to be cut off by SCABS’s “Nobody is panicking, Mika,” reminiscent of their old pre-courtship days of his verbal and emotional abuse. So they passed the baton to Willie GEIST (formerly F***er CARLSON’s producer, now mainstream), then to the estimable Gene ROBINSON, who toed the line of mournfulness, and finally to the plagiarist BARNICLE, who gloried in his usual attempt to be pretentiously smarmy. They all dutifully mentioned Drumpf’s “LIES” in passing without bothering to delve into the horrible, atrocious, repulsiveness of his J6 coup assault on democracy among much else.

So, curious about what CNN was doing, I found that whoever their anchors are, they were straightforward in noting their observations of problems, but they featured Mitch LANDRIEU, who was totally bright and upbeat, contradicting the “panicking” narrative, saying, “If you’re looking for somebody panicking, you’ve got the wrong Democrat.” Even the execrable RUBIO kept out of it, after they played a medley of his 2016 calling Drumpf “a con man” repeatedly. He claimed “nobody has told” him that he’s on any short list and surprisingly for him barely did any gloating. CNN has been put through the wingnut grinder forever, like how they were called “the CLINTON News Network.” I remember how Wolf and Judy WOODRUFF eventually looked beaten down by the abuse, earning my moniker of what “Tired Liberals” would look like. And, yes, it was torture to hear TAPPER calling Drumpf mostly "President" and only a couple of times "Former President" and that the format didn't allow for ripping down Drumpf's lies - not to mention that a mobster traitor like him has no place even to be considered a candidate.

The issues are all out there and clear cut. What's at stake is the single unthinkable potential of Drumpf's actually winning.

Ah, it is branded on my brain how in 2015 SCABS and MOUSE provided hundreds of hours of free air time to Drumpf and specifically urged him to run and reassured him that he really had a shot at it.

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