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UTUSN's Journal
UTUSN's Journal
September 30, 2024

Homework for veep "debate": VANCE's guru Curtis YARVIN

So, J.D. VANCE isn’t nuts just on his own. His guru is one Curtis YARVIN with all these little red flags – funded by Peter THIEL co-founder of PayPal who got revenge on gossip website Gawker out of business for outing him by paying for Hulk HOGAN’s lawsuit. Other markers for wingnut cluelessness, YARVIN’s pseudonym is “Mencius Moldburg,” with wingnut signature lack of smartness and he thinks “Rx” is short for “reactionary.”

Actually, one nugget in his Wiki is something I’ve said for a long time, me/that wingnuts waste resources/energy trying to suppress voting since Lib constituencies DON’T VOTE without any help quite on their own: YARVIN believes that progressivism would fail without right-wing opposition.

In short, another one of those self-deluded/convinced “geniuses” like Drumpf and MUSK.

Curtis Guy Yarvin (born 1973), also known by the pen name Mencius Moldbug, is an American blogger. He is known, along with philosopher Nick Land, for founding the anti-egalitarian and anti-democratic philosophical movement known as the Dark Enlightenment or neo-reactionary movement (NRx).[1][2][3][4] ….

Curtis Guy Yarvin[11] was born in 1973 to an educated, liberal, secular family.[12] His grandparents on his father's side were Jewish American and communists. His father, Herbert Yarvin, worked for the US government as a foreign service officer,[13] and his mother was a Protestant from Westchester County.[14] In 1985, he returned to the US and entered Johns Hopkins' longitudinal Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth. He graduated from Brown University in 1992, then was a graduate student of a computer science PhD program at UC Berkeley, before dropping out after a year and a half to join a tech company.[15][14]

Yarvin believes that real political power in the United States is held by something he calls "the Cathedral", an amalgam of universities and the mainstream press.[26] According to him, a so-called "Brahmin" social class dominates American society, preaching progressive values to the masses. Yarvin and the Dark Enlightenment (sometimes abbreviated to "NRx" ) movement assert that the Cathedral's commitment to equality and justice erodes social order.[27] Drawing on computer metaphors, Yarvin contends that society needs a "hard reset" or a "rebooting", not a series of gradual political reforms.[28] Instead of activism, he advocates passivism, claiming that progressivism would fail without right-wing opposition.[29] According to him, NRx adherents should rather design "new architectures of exit" than engage in ineffective political activism.[30]

Yarvin argues for a "neo-cameralist" philosophy based on Frederick the Great of Prussia's cameralism.[31] In Yarvin's view, democratic governments are inefficient and wasteful and should be replaced with sovereign joint-stock corporations whose "shareholders" (large owners) elect an executive with total power, but who must serve at their pleasure.[28] The executive, unencumbered by liberal-democratic procedures, could rule efficiently much like a CEO-monarch.[28] Yarvin admires Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping for his pragmatic and market-oriented authoritarianism, and the city-state of Singapore as an example of a successful authoritarian regime. He sees the US as soft on crime, dominated by economic and democratic delusions.[27] ….


September 25, 2024

Screed to the local radio talkshow wingnuts

Today’s inflammatory blab from the head wingnut was that we Dems/Libs who just won’t convert to wingnuttiness are “stuck in time” and that we don’t realize that the Democratic Party of today is not what it was in the past, that it is now the party “of the rich.” He also said that we Dems of today are highly educated, implying out of touch supposedly with benighted wingnuts. He also attempted one of his self-convinced “insights” saying that we Dems/Libs truly believe that if anybody is a wingnut, there is something wrong with him – well, actually that’s true.

My email response was, “Oh, like the White old males are ever going to stop being wingnuts.” I’ve pegged him from long ago – an entrenched “traditionalist,” everybody in their allotted place, “respectability” based on top-down authority (what the 18th Century “Founders” meant by property owners), the Assimilation power structure (White old males at the top) – with the inevitable implications being racism and greed, whether intended and "benign" or not (well, it's never benign).

But there’s more. Over the past 30 years of my tutoring him, a main point of correction to him is that I am not an idolator of persons (not a cult follower), but rather a true believer of the Democratic Party AGENDA – the world view, the ideals.

The difference between the parties is in their different world views, not in laundry lists of issues, litmus tests, check boxes. It’s not a matter of The Rich vs The Poor. And it’s not a matter of Capitalism vs “communism” – there has always been capitalism and always will be, swapping and selling. To say that the correct approach is to vote for the individual candidate as opposed to the Party is wrong. The AGENDA is all, and it is the Party that stands for it. My version of the agenda is: Civil Rights, civil liberties, social justice, stewardship of the planet, and no one personality is above it.

What does the Wingnut Party have to offer me: From top to bottom wingnut office holders nothing but guns, cynical exploitation of token minority tools, criminal and ruthless and immoral and greedy unscrupulous clowns as members. Can he name ONE wingnut or m“Republican” who is moral, decent? And it doesn’t count if the one named still calls himself a wingnut/Republican because then he is a Collaborator furthering the wrongness of the World View.

As for my judgment of the Democratic Party members, nobody can live up to the ideals all the time whenever a member occasionally as anywhere turns up as a rotten apple in my book he loses the label and is to be cast overboard to the consequences. Wingnuts don’t do that – they keep, protect, and advance them. As for being a realist about the dirtiness of politics, a presumed Democrat, Tim RUSSERT said, “Idealism is for schmucks.” Too bad for him, I’ll stick to the closest version of attainability of the ideals of the Democratic Party.

September 24, 2024

K&R for, thank you - irks me he has a large following here.

Never liked The Daily Show and other such that pandered to what we already knew and agreed with, never saw a complete show. At first I took him at face value that he was a good Lib, where he mostly targeted wingnuts, and when he occasionally zinged Libs I gave the pass that he's a comedian objectively hitting at whoever needed it. But I was puzzled when he scuttled CNN's Crossfire. His fans at this late date still claim his focus was all just against F***er CARLSON, but he took down the whole show. But my puzzlement increased and went to suspicion when he started making nice with O'LOOFAH and Glen BecKKK. The last straw was when BecKKK staged a phony event supposedly about "uniting" everybody and then STEWART did a copycat thing that we all thought was going to zing at wingnuts but was some kind of Hippie/RenaissanceFair ripoff, with bubbles and the Mythbuster wimps. Although MAHER ain't popular here (including by me), he said, "If you're going to have an event it needs to be *ABOUT* something." I was glad when he left and had the impression that COLBERT puts up with him from an oppressed friendship. But I have skipped anything from or about him dating back to the BecKKK thing. And I've settled on the conclusion that he's some kind of Third Way/No Labels type, always lecturing/sermonizing/patronizing/condescending.

September 21, 2024

Good for the true believers. Pat CADDELL (deceased) and Tweety (Chris MATTHEWS)...

CADDELL had become a bitter turncoat favorite of the Faux Propaganda Network for years, so if he were alive he likely wouldn't include himself into this group. And unless I'm mistaken (paywall) Tweety isn't pictured among the group pics. Despite trading off the Democratic label for years, he himself said his parents were "cloth coat Republicans," has (brother?) as Repuke office holder, became Dem-adjacent over Irish-Catholic pride for JFK (not Lib ideology), went into the Peace Corps specifically to avoid Vietnam, (my speculation: ) then got into Dem politics for Tip O'NEILL as patronage job opportunities, and learned the real world dynamics of power - the winners get the prestige and the perks. So his world view was already seeded with cynicism, and as a political operative he gravitated to the ones who were *successful* - meaning RAYGUN and W. Shrub. His predecessor in the shift to media was G.E. RUSSERT who had said, "Idealism is for schmucks," and was an early stepping stone to respectability for LIMBAUGH.

So I don't see Tweety in those pics. There's a paywall. If I'm wrong I'll take the correction, although it doesn't change his history.

September 20, 2024

Margaret HOOVER confronts O'LOOFAH on harassment payouts, he runs.

Excerpts don't do it justice.

***** UNQUOTE*****


Scoop: Bill O’Reilly Ends Interview, Threatens Host Margaret Hoover Over Questions on Sexual Harassment Settlements


September 19, 2024

Missed recognition

Walking to the car in the Urology parking lot -
me with covid mask half hanging hooked on an eyeglass,
self-absorbed about 2 med appointments,
somebody called, "Sir..."

I turned and it was a young (20s?) dude asking
"Is this the Urology door or the other one?"

I just said, yeah this one, barely turning not engaging.

Yes, his vulnerability, like asking for help (in a Urology setting)
sort of registered, too late.

I went on my way, then driving thought,
"This human needed some help" (that I didn't give)

What supposed to do, forget the next appointment,
go back, run into the reception area

September 19, 2024

What, wut, whatever

Oh, you thought
- what you get by thinking -
you could prove by (covid, whatever)
that I couldn't make it without you,
that you died alone with strangers
in a hospital without calls
like tired-of-this-shit

Happy now you with your eternal life,
me still here
who's happier now, but
I could go on and on ...

Tiresome, this

September 12, 2024

Local radio talk show wingnuts rewriting the debate result, "Can he come back from that?"

Along the lines of Drumpf reciting “polls” in the 95 percentile declaring him the winner of the debate, here’s a poll (conducted by and of the only responder, me) to the effect that 99% of the Drumpf content was not new since 2015 – the seething anger, the arrogance, the lies, self-aggrandizement, the self-delusion, racism (YES, RACISM), the absolutely BIZARRE melt-downs. Actually, the BIZARRE melt-downs *did* shock for being so blatant without any pretense at normality - like, no-F**ks-to-give. Then after he stormed out of the debate stage, he went to the Spin room that NO candidates do from debates, wandered around yelling that he WON with dozens of poll numbers (only advanced extra terrestrials could have the technology), in a totally different mood from the debate, like (another diagnosis) a Multiple Personality.

But then, as always, there’s the local radio wingnut talk show personality disorders: The head wingnut coordinated a BIZARRELY (that word again) upbeat rewriting of the debate results, admitting throughout that Drumpf had done badly but shot through with “Can he come back from this?”

Which leads to the point of all this: In the face of all the KNOWN wrongness of all-things-Drumpf, all in stark evidence at the debate, one of the Eternal Questions: WHAT do these wingnuts GET out of putting a clinically DERANGED person in charge of the 6-minutes nuclear decision? They have been totally willing to give up EVERYTHING for that a-hole, democracy and yes the planet. Are tax breaks and theocratic commandments worth it all to them?

There’s a YouTube “intellectual” named Eric WEINSTEIN with a video now, saying, “I don’t know whether Donald (Drumpf) will be ALLOWED to become president.” First of all, embedded there is the assumption that he somehow deserves or is entitled to be president and that there is some vast mechanism designed to keep him from it. His rationale is that the post-WW II world order is “running on fumes,” that all this time we have been operating under a network of agreements and alliances that created a system where leaders of both parties were ALLOWED to lead by their both agreeing not to disrupt the underlying network, that Drumpf is the first non-politician/non-military type bull-in-china-shop to have gotten in the first time and will explode the whole shop if he gets back in now. That BIDEN is the absolute last of the generations and HARRIS is barely the last of the Boomer generation and is the thread of the caretaker of the old network.

Is it fun that the whole mess of everything is topsy turvy, that democracy is being questioned and written-off, that even the wingnuts are fighting themselves – Marjorie TAYLOR Greene is cat-fighting Laura LOOMER and Drumpf and his pick VANCE are sniping at each other – Drumpf saying at the debate that he and VANCE don’t discuss much/VANCE “doesn’t matter” and VANCE snipes back?

September 12, 2024

Another one of "those" pomes, of formerly lovelorn resentment !1

SO grateful we've been out of our lives for 50 years!
We were ahead of the times - especially, mostly, actually ALL me!

Now, when the world has, caught up, it's too late -
especially, mostly, actually for YOU! Ha-hah!

Unfortunately, our "great love" is still an earworm
but in my ancient age I finally just don't care - YAY!

September 6, 2024

K&R, i didn't know the old history, but in our time it came from LUNTZ & GINGRICH

LUNTZ, pollster during GINGRICH-LIMBOsevic hegemony, rode his "focus group" gimmick to the max and came up with a wingnut glossary of rhetorical propaganda words for them to use - "tested" in focus groups for their positive/negative effects, for them to use the positives for wingnut programs and negatives for ours. The main one was to use "Democrat" where Democratic belonged because it sounded "off" to the focus group.

And it IS irritating, no less because it's ungrammatical on the ear, a noun where an adjective belongs. The wingnuts went to town with it because it bothers us, even if the younger wingnuts don't know all this. I like that they don't even know RAYGUN, GINGRICH, LUNTZ!

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