calimary's JournalLove it! The circle widens, even while tightening around chris christie's neck.
I read the story to my husband and he and I both were smirking - "yeah, never heard of him. Chip who? We weren't friends! No idea who he is! I dunno nothin' 'bout nothin'! But I'm still the hot-shit hands-on super-control-freak governor!"
Are you kidding me?????
Actually, I know you're not, DeSwiss. I went on that site and was Holy-Shit-Dumbfounded! Gee, how nice! I'm gonna wear my dad/husband/mom/whoever on my finger
EEEEUUWWWW!!! That's pretty doggone REVOLTING!!! And the prices?!?!?! Shit!
Sweet God
Welcome to DU, IAmKirak!
Glad you're here! Gotta ask because of your screen name - "Star Trek" fan? And you're probably correct - we don't care much about art - at least to go to those lengths for its sake, although one would hope otherwise. This is one movie I would like to go see, though. And I enjoy caper movies anyway. LOVED the whole "Ocean's fill-in-the-number-here" series!
And it's spot-on. Make some noise. It's sure worked for the teabaggers, after all. They seem a lot more formidable than their thoroughly MINORITY numbers. Because they don't shut up. They don't go away. They stick around and make a lot of noise and a big stink about everything and whether you like it or not, they've made themselves into players that way, and you now have to deal with them at every turn. THEY'VE managed perception brilliantly! That's the only thing brilliant about them, btw, but it counts BIGTIME. Unfortunately, it's really ALL that counts.
Totally. The worst offenders are on OUR side.
Sitting this one out because they didn't have a candidate perfect enough. So they're probably not gonna vote for Hillary either because she comes up less than perfect, so their answer is to thoughtfully stand aside and make way for the bad guys to pull through? Sorry. I do NOT get it. And I WON'T do it. And that way we win - HOW???????? Next time? How many next times do we concede without even trying because we simply must be absolute purists?
How'd that vote for ralph nader work out for ya in 2000? Did it send a message?
Yep, sent a message alright. We got eight years of bush/cheney. THERE'S yer message. We sat it out in 2010, too. Nobody perfect enough. Meh, no use. So why even bother trying? Now we're stuck with the tea baggers who had enough momentum to start gaining ground. And they used our apathy and laziness and lack of determination to gain a foothold that they won't easily give up. We actually had a shot at nipping that tea bagger "phenomenon" in the bud - and we passed. So now we have jerks like ted cruz to put up with for however long he can manipulate his incumbency. Thanks a whole heap, sit-it-out'ers! Was it worth it?
Every time I hear one of those "we've gotta SEND a MESSAGE!!!!" mewlers at election time, I just want to throw up. The only message you send - by voting for an offshoot with ZERO chance of winning and thereby splitting our total vote take, or sitting it out because nobody was perfect enough for you - is a big fat juicy valentine from the bad guys that reads- "hey THANKS for the nice win, CHUMPS!!!!"
Machiavelli, where are you when WE need you???????
It's telling. It tells you christie's taste is up his ass.
Definitely. What's still keeping you assholes here then?
Sounds like you'd be at home relocating there. Either that or Somalia 'eh?
Welcome to DU, proudretiredvet!
Glad you're here! Thank you for your service as well. If I were president, I'd bring 'em home now. Fuck it. NOW. That's it. We've had enough. Let's say we won and go home.
That's the saddest and truest part.
As long as we do nothing about that stupid Stand Your Ground bullshit. As long as we do nothing, it's bound to happen again.
Shit. I had such great hope that the election of Barack Obama meant our country had finally grown up and put the worst of our nature behind us. All it seemed to do was unleash the demons.
This guy is a murderer. NOTHING I've seen or heard or watched or read about this convinces me otherwise. This guy was spoiling for a fight, a shooting waiting to happen. And he got what he wanted. It's a shame we're back down in the "thank heavens for small favors" barrel. But at least he didn't get to walk. Still waiting for justice, though.
Wonderful essay, H2O Man!
Just shows, yet again, why it's so incredibly vital to vote. EVERYBODY vote. And vote OUT the assholes, or you'll be outshouted by those who DID go to the polls and who thus made sure assholes like ted cruz and rand paul get in. And that james inhofe and louis gohmert stay in. All the WTF candidates that get in - it's because our side gave up, or thought it was an exercise in futility (so why bother?) or kidded themselves that nobody's good enough or nobody tells the truth anyway or they're all the same or some other such bullshit that allows them to stay home on Election Day! Well, believe me, the bad guys aren't gonna stay home on Election Day. They're super motivated. Shall we allow ourselves to be bowled over by them - AGAIN????
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Gender: FemaleHome country: USA
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