sendero's JournalEven though I've lost all faith in NPR...
.... I have a long commute to work and still listen most weekdays.
Today, for the first time on Morning Edition, I heard them discuss the TPP. Guess what their focus was? Not on the substance of the trade agreement, which is somewhat secret and definitely not in the interest of most Americans. No, it was about wildlife poaching and how the TPP could curtail it.
Never mind that the leverage they claim the TPP would offer is dubious at best, they have never bothered to even talk about the substance of the proposed TPP before, and its ramifications to the average American.
It is astounding how low NPR has fallen. They are useless, Fox News with a supposed liberal bias.
Please do not waste your money supporting them, clearly they are getting quite enough from the corporate world.
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Name: Yeah, RightGender: Male
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