Cha's JournalHere's two reviews on Biden's 60 Minutes interview..
And, here's a link to the 60 Minutes interview..

Aloha, mahina!

If it gets passed.. Biden's Plan is Ready to Go from Day ONE..

I've had to pay attention to her 'cause she's
my Rep.. and I've wanted her out of Congress since 2014.. each time voting for her primary opponents.. to no avail. So you can imagine how grateful I am that she's quitting.
Gabbard was always going on fox bashing President Obama.. I cancelled her emails in 2012.
It's President Obama's "foreign policy" but she's too chicken to say that.
She's gaslighting.. thinking this is her way to get votes. So pathetic.
Thank you, Goth! Biden's Health Care Plan Will Be Ready to Go!, then Biden went on to praise the military who were successful in spite of Trump. could get stein voters that helped get trump rigged in..
Oh Wow.. from Fred Guttenberg..
Mahalo, Goth!
EX-CELL-ENT! Mahalo! Did you make that?!
'cause somebody needed to.. that's how I started becoming a Biden supporter.. when the hit jobs started coming before he even launched his campaign.
Mahalo, DR.. 2 more tweets on that thread.. one tweet out..

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