Cha's JournalBS is getting "nervous" like he accuses Dems of being..
Yeah, like nobody running
understands anything about healthcare but BS.
These are a couple of more recent Divisive ones seen on the net..
BS is the one who seems nervous.. with good reason. You've seen the latest polls?
Tell that to BS..
he's the one who sends divisive emails.. which is what this thread is about..
Mahalo, oasis! Yeah, BS must
have thought hiring Briahna, who dissed John Lewis, was the smart thing to do.
People notice this crap.
Yes, I think BS is the one who is "nervous"..
Some os his Divisive "us Vs them" mentality..
And, the attacks BS throws at
my Democratic Party? Are they "substantive"?
Here's some Divisive "us Vs them" mentality..
I think Sanders is the one who is "nervous".
BS can't even answer WOC's Questions @SheThePeople on "white nationalism" and what he would do for WOC.
Bernie has a rough time at She the People conference
Maybe because Biden
is the Front runner now and BS is the one getting "nervous".
The "Them VS
Establishment Dems"?
The Dems who have been responsible for most everything progressive that has happened in America for the "last 60 years"!
That's what I call "divisive".
Oh right! Instant Karma
from the IAFF!
Firefighters union leader on Biden endorsement: 'He has a track record of delivering'
He has a track record of delivering, and were a group that measures it pretty straightforward, Harold Schaitberger told Hill.TVs Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti on Rising.
Joe Biden has had the backs and stood with firefighters across this nation throughout his Senate career, and certainly as vice president of the United States, and so were now prepared to stand with him, Schaitberger said.
He added that Biden has long supported a number of worker-related issues, including fair wages, retirement security and protecting union rights.
It was a brilliant! Vid and
Biden doesn't pull any punches, and it's only going to get more bloody for FAKE potus
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