Quixote1818's JournalJohn Oliver Demands to Know How Ayn Rand Is ‘Still a Thing’
Police kill John Crawford III and Ronald Ritchie changes his story
Note that this is old and the actual video of what occurred shows things more accurately but what I like about it is how it shows Ronald Ritchie is a fucking racist ass hole loser who was lying so blatantly he should be thrown in jail for what he helped cause.
TYT “F*ck It, I Quit” News Anchor Explains Why She Quit. Very impressive!
She is extremely impressive in how she explains why she quit and how important the issue is to her. Incarceration of so many people who contribute to society is a huge problem! Good for her!
A practical understanding of "reasonable suspicion" & "probable cause".
Don't know much about this guy but in this video he is 100% spot on! He does a wonderful job on this and it's well worth a look. I watched another video of his and he doesn't buy into the idea of Christians being under attack in the US, suggesting organizations use the idea of Christians being repressed to whip folks into a frenzy and to drive up revenues with wild sensationalism. So he is pretty reasonable on at least two issues. He is probably a libertarian when it comes to taxes and could be way off and a nut job on some other issues but on this issue he is spot on.
How To Handle An Illegal Traffic Stop "I Don't Answer Questions"
I am not necessary convinced this is the way to because it creates suspicion but he was well within his rights and it did shut things down because he gave them no openings or stumbles for them to blow out of proportion and make a lame arrest.
Have you ever been a victim of police misconduct?
This video is what got me thinking about this: http://www.democraticunderground.com/1017213517
I also live in Albuquerque where we have received national attention for our out of control, murderous cops.
I was going to separate misconduct from brutality but decided the poll would become too confusing.
Definition of Police Misconduct:
Types of misconduct include false confession, false arrest, falsified evidence, false imprisonment, intimidation, police brutality, police corruption, racial profiling, surveillance abuse, and off-duty misconduct.[4] Others include:
Noble cause corruption, where the officer believes the good outcomes justify bad behavior[5]
Selective enforcement (knowledge and allowances of violations by friends, family and/or acquaintances unreported)
Abuses of power (using badge or other ID to gain entry into concerts, to get discounts, etc.)
Police perjury (blatant lying under oath and/or to other authorities to cover wrongdoing)
Influence of drugs and/or alcohol while on duty
Violations by officers of police procedural policies
Note: I am including Asians in with whites below. If you have an issue with this let me know.
As a middle aged white male, the worst that has happened to me (don't really count this as misconduct) is police giving a bogus reason to pull me over to see if I was drunk. I use to have a regular route home from work on a state highway usually after 11:00 pm. Was constantly pulled over and they would say I had a tail light that was out or I was crossing the yellow line. One time they told me my tail light was out and I flat out told them that I didn't believe them because I had been told that several times and then would check at home and found no issues. I don't think I would have done that if I were black. I was already playing with fire calling the guy out. Anyway, the cop stumbled around with his words not knowing what to say then backtracked and said "That's how it appeared to me. Maybe I am mistaken? You are free to go, just be careful and get those break lights checked out to be safe!" However, I know if I was black I would have a much bigger fear of the cops. I imagine it's an issue across all races but extremely disproportionate when it comes to minorities.
Cops Caught Lying to The Judge
A prime example of the type of crap some cops try to pull extremely disproportionately with black folks. How often do they get away with this? Much, much more often than not.
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