Amaryllis's JournalTo warm your hearts, because you need it: Animals who found their BFF twins in other species
Cross-species friendships - a reminder of goodness in the world.
Guest on Ali just referred to "the MAGAbomber, as this guy shall be known from now on..."
THe name has stuck. (Ali filling in for Lawrence.)
Rachel: Discussing how can law enforcment keep us safe from politically motivated violence when
they are being constantly undermined and denigrated by POTUS. SHe is bringing up very interesting points. Just starting to discuss it.
Rachel: WH staff says no prob that CHina listening to T's phone calls; he doesn't know enough about
national security for it to matter, so not to worry. He doesn't listen to briefings and doesn't understand what he does hear, so ... not a problem. Don't you feel better?
RAchel: Trump/GOP ramping up family separation pre-election to throw red meat to their base
THey want it to be splashy; "we're cracking down, making good on promises". Apparently the base loves family separations.
Jesus: "I was thinking about coming back, but..."
Funniest comedy wildlife photos to take your mind off...well, you know.
Don't you need something funny and cute right now?
Rachel exposing voter suppression while hopefully there is still time to do something about it.
In GA, ND. She's doing a great job of detailing it as it is happening. This is different from any election I can remember. Usually media doesn't get to it till after the fact if my memory serves me correctly.
At the start of every disaster movie there's a scientist....
My favorite sign from the science march. I saved it because I liked it so much. Seems even more appropriate now than when we had the march.
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