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CaliforniaPeggy's Journal
CaliforniaPeggy's Journal
December 1, 2016

This is a MUST READ. ThinkProgress issues a warning to all of us.

It's a fairly long read but very worthwhile. It's full of information about Trump and what could happen to our nation with him at the helm.

The Democratic Party is screwing up its opposition to President-elect Donald Trump. They can’t help it.

The reason why is that democrats — that is, small “d” democrats, referring broadly to people who believe in democracy — are ill-suited to address the threat posed by Donald Trump.

Those of us who agree with the Declaration of Independence that governments derive their legitimacy from the consent of the governed are poorly equipped to resist Trump. Those of us who agree that governments exist to secure “certain unalienable Rights” are fighting with one hand tied behind our backs.

We have brought a sheet of parchment and a set of abstract principles to a knife fight. We’re going to get cut.


November 30, 2016

About Trump and his "nominees":

It seems that for whatever office he is considering, he assiduously looks for AND finds the absolute worst, least experienced, or completely unqualified person to fill said office.

Every. Single. Time.

I am no longer horrified, but instead feel saddened and outraged.

I expect the Senate Democrats to put up very stiff resistance and opposition to this parade of the extremely unworthy.

November 20, 2016

Doyle McManus on how to prioritize panic under Trump--today's LA Times:

Donald Trump has given people plenty to worry about in the first 10 days of his transition to the presidency — especially anyone who thought all along he was unqualified for the job. It’s as if a bunch of people who never expected to win the White House have been suddenly asked to organize an actual administration. The result has been chaos, eccentric nominations (Jeff Sessions — really?) and Twitter outbursts from an unreformed president-elect.

But you can’t hit all your panic buttons simultaneously. So I thought it might be useful to do triage, sorting the biggest concerns from lesser ones. Call this a semi-optimistic guide for the seriously distressed.

Let’s start with issues we can put off worrying about for a while.

The economy is going to be fine for the short run. Financial markets didn’t crash when Trump won; they soared when investors figured out his plans to spend trillions on infrastructure, defense and tax cuts will add up to a giant economic stimulus. Although Republicans hated the idea of stimulus when it bore President Obama’s name, watch them hail Trump’s as an act of genius.

Over time, all that stimulus is likely to boost inflation, just as conservatives warned in 2009. It may even lead to a recession in time to disrupt Trump’s reelection campaign.
Trump, who cast himself as a candidate of renewed American strength, may lead us to a dangerous era of weakness instead.

All of it at the link: http://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-mcmanus-20-trump-worry-20161120-story.html

November 18, 2016

Take care of yourselves, my dear DU friends!

I fully recognize that this is a most stressful time, probably the most stressful time we've ever experienced as a nation, but we must take care of ourselves.

Stress can shorten your life.

The Greek philosopher Epictetus said that there are two kinds of things: The things you have control over, and the things you don't.

If you can't affect something, then try not to worry about it. But do what you can, obviously!

And...go for walks, bike rides, swims...whatever makes your body work. Take your medicines. Get away from the news now and then.

I'm worried about our nation too, but today I went to the gym and when I came home, I felt calmer and more in control of myself. I was also more aware of my own abilities. It cleared my mind.

We will get through this.

November 16, 2016

I just found this absolutely charming commercial, yes, commercial, on Facebook:

It's short and lovely. Hope you all enjoy!

There's a short bit of text explaining it and then when you scroll down, you'll see it...


November 16, 2016

I knew I would want to hang onto Skinner's post about the hack...

and also keep as many responses that our membership sent to that page.

So.........Here they are!

It starts with Skinner's wishes that DU would soon be up and running, and then it talks about the hack, and last are our posts.


October 24, 2016

I was looking for an old post of mine on DU2, when I encountered something strange.

I was using Google's search engine since we cannot search on DU2. I put in the name of my poem that I was looking for (The Metaphorical Sea) and this is what showed up:

An error occurred during processing.

This may or may not have affected the action you were trying to
submit, so if you were trying to make a post or vote in a poll, please
check to see if the action was completed. It is not necessary to report
this as a bug unless it appears this error did prevent your action from completing.

SELECT m.*, u.id as u_id, u.g_id, u.pa, u.pb, u.pc, u.pk, u.ua, u.ub, u.uc, u.ug, u.uj, u.username as author, u.num_posts, u.num_votes, u.points, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(m.last_date) as last_date, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(m.mesg_date) as mesg_date, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(m.edit_date) as edit_date, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(u.reg_date) as reg_date FROM 105_mesg_archive as m LEFT JOIN dcuser as u ON m.author_id = u.id WHERE m.id = 6914216

I realize that this is not exactly a high priority for you, especially now. But I sure would appreciate your help. Of course, if I could get into my archives on DU2, I wouldn't need to ask you for help, but I cannot do that either.

Thank you.

October 24, 2016

What Protest Votes Do--today's LA Times

I know I'm preaching to the choir, but this is very well-written and worth reading.


By Henry Weinstein

When I stepped into the polling booth on Nov. 5, 1968, to cast my first vote for president, I was an angry Berkeley law student active in a variety of causes, including the civil rights movement, the antiwar movement and endeavors to enable California farmworkers to unionize.

I did not like either of the major candidates. Richard Nixon and his running mate, Spiro Agnew, promised to bring an unholy version of “law and order” to our country, just as Republican candidate Donald Trump is hawking now.

I also had no enthusiasm for Democratic candidate Hubert H. Humphrey. Until he became vice president under Lyndon Johnson, I admired Humphrey, the Minnesota senator who had championed civil rights. But Triple H morphed into Johnson's surrogate, supporting an unwise, immoral war in Vietnam.
Those of us who helped Nixon win by failing to support the better candidate acted as if voting in a presidential election was a simple matter of morality.

A devastating Bill Mauldin cartoon crystallized my feelings about Humphrey’s noxious role. It depicted Humphrey speaking to a Vietnamese woman seeking shelter from American bombs in foxhole. The caption: “Ma'am, I represent The Great Society.”

My hostility to Humphrey intensified during the Democratic convention when Chicago Mayor Richard Daley's gendarmes beat demonstrators with truncheons on city streets, prompting Connecticut Sen. Abe Ribicoff to blast the police's “Gestapo” tactics in a speech from the convention podium. In response, Daley, a Humphrey backer, brandished his middle finger.

October 10, 2016

I am sick of hearing him bloviating!

I wish someone would shut him up.

October 10, 2016

The Trump creature (I can't call him a man) lies constantly........

And he refuses to get or stay on topic.

It is so damn hard to listen to him bloviate.

He makes me sick.

Profile Information

Name: Peggy
Gender: Female
Hometown: Manhattan Beach, CA
Home country: USA
Current location: At home
Member since: Thu Feb 3, 2005, 02:41 PM
Number of posts: 150,758
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