madamesilverspurs's JournalThere's a forest in Nottingham that's missing its sheriff.
Inspired by the Idaho sheriff who intends to enforce new gun regulations (, I wrote to our sheriff and asked him to reconsider his intent to ignore the President's initiatives.
He wrote back:
...May I suggest you read the United States Supreme Court decision Printz v United States 1997. The Supreme Court ruled that it is Unconstituional for the Federal Government to compel local law enforcement to enforce federal gun laws. In other words we are not agents of the federal government; therefore do not enforce federal laws.
I assume from your letter that you want me to follow the Supreme Court's decision and uphold the Constitution by not enforcing federal gun laws. Like you said I took an oath the defend the Constitution in its entirety and you do not what (sic) me to break that oath!
Yeah, the attitude was dripping from the envelope. By the way, he has announced his intention to run for re-election, never mind that the county attorney has advised him that term limits prohibit his doing so. Do I need to mention that he's a Republican?
Ye gods -- literally.
This is just freaking weird. The Colorado state senate is presently considering the Civil Unions Act. Senate Republicans are suggesting that passage of the act would result in adoption agencies going out of business. They are especially concerned that agencies that serve adoptions from China would disappear from the state. The fundies are proposing an amendment that would make it legal for adoption agencies to exercise anti-gay discrimination, that the wishes of the birth mother should take precedence over the best interests of the child.
Honestly, their prissy umbrage is a fucking embarrassment to the people of Colorado.
As I typed this the amendment was voted down.
So how do we find out which members of Congress
are already invested in entities that compete with the postal service?
Quote of the Day
"I'm 100 percent behind the second amendment but you've got to have common sense. Powell, Wyoming is not Dodge City and I'm not Wyatt Earp. If there's a threat to citizens, call the police."
- shared by a friend on facebook
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