madamesilverspurs's JournalAccording to Republicans
According to Republicans, it was just fine when Bush donned an enhanced flight suit to board an aircraft carrier in celebration of something that hadn't happened, but it's pure evil politics for Obama to mention having taken responsibility for doing something that Bush should have done and didn't.
Reality is still on "ignore"
In Denver yesterday, a couple thousand people rallied to protest the Republicans' very real war on women. The media, both print and broadcast, chose to ignore the event. Among those ignored, this family:
I dream of the day when liberal media bias is a reality. . .
Signs against an "alleged" war
Denver's rally against the "alleged" War on Women is promising to be quite the event. And it's one that I'll attend in spirit only. But if I can't be there, my signs can be; they'll be carried by good friends who promise to take lots of pictures for me.
Rock on, Lysistrata!
Unintended Honesty
I freely admit that I've never been a fan of the insurance industry, tending to view it, at best, as a sometimes necessary evil. Those who disagree have taken umbrage at my assertion that the thing manipulates fear for profit. Allstate's "Mayhem" campaign has demonstrated my perspective quite nicely. That said, I do chuckle at the unintended honesty of their wording:
no one protects you
Mayhem, indeed.
And we're off!
That was some celebration! We had about 130 people at last night's Grand Opening of our OFA field office. One of the mariachi band's songs was "Viva Obama!" with the crowd joining in to shout "Viva!" Yes, the band honored the requests for encores.
The artwork on the wall is in progress, a design by one of our college workers. When finished it will reveal mountains, wheat fields, the word "Hope" and the Obama sunburst. The basic structure is chicken wire; guests write their hopes for the future on pieces of colored tissue paper which are then folded and tucked into the corresponding color field. We'll keep a photographic record of the "growth" of the artwork, and we got a good start at last night's party. Personally, I LOVE this idea!
And if last night was any indication, the coming months are going to be very, very energetic!
The Game
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