madamesilverspurs's JournalQuestion re Huckabee-Sanders --
Does she get a bonus every time she finds a way to dis President Obama? She certainly gets a bit of an evil grin each time she does so...
Mitch's Interruptus
Following Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell had just started speaking about the new tax bill, when he was interrupted by national test of the emergency broadcast system.
Is that a whiff of irony in the air?
Trump is going to Puerto Rico.?
Just send the desperately needed help. You dont need to go there, man, theyve suffered enough already!
So, THERE, nyah nyah!
Just got done reading about how our local Republicans are planning to respond to the take-a-knee protests. Its no surprise that they are huffily siding with Trump in erroneously viewing the protests as being against the flag. But their planned response? They are encouraging everyone to stop at noon on Thursday, play the National Anthem on their phones and stand throughout the process. Seriously.
Even in a community where Republicans are well-known for taking swan dives into shallow pools of jingoism, this is a bit much. Im guessing that my neighbors are wondering about my latest outburst of guffaws.
You can read about it here, if you are so inclined:
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