madamesilverspurs's JournalIn the Senate -- the vote about Iran military action
A couple hours ago C-span was showing the Senate, where the tally showed 41 no votes against requiring congressional approval for Iran military action, noting that it requires 60 votes for passage. A crawl noted that the vote is being held open for senators returning to DC.
Now C-span is showing only 40 votes against, so it's not dead the way it was earlier. Did someone change their vote?
House GOPers theatrics
What are the House GOPers trying to prove with their time-wasting repetitions of the unanimous consent business?
They are, each in turn, smirking and smarmy and disgustingly smug.
What the hell??
a Medicare hmmmmm...
Having been on Medicare for many years, Ive been listening with considerable interest to the back and forth conversation about Medicare in general and the prospect of Medicare For All. Reflecting on the mailed regular notices listing what was paid for what was billed, the approved amount, the little notations that explain such decisions the question came to mind, who sets those rates of reimbursement.
The Google provided numerous sites that outline the process of rate setting, but I couldnt find any mention of who implements that process. What is the pool from which they are selected? More, what are the job experience requirements, and who chooses those employees?
I dont know, maybe Im just getting cynical in my dotage. But there is a discernible whiff of machinations to maintain the highly profitable insurance industry by making Medicare untenable for practitioners and hospitals. Admittedly, my perception might be somewhat influenced by the vestiges of the stench of congress refusing the testimony of doctors and nurses while hastening to give insurance executives a seat at the healthcare discussions table.
The how (which I didn't ask) is readily available. But the question I did ask, Who?, remains unanswered. For now, anyway.
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