LiberalLoner's JournalPlus I know my kitty is a Democrat because he is kind and loving and always does his best to make
The world a better place, everywhere he goes.
Because I was six years old
And it was my brother and when my mother found out she whipped me and called me a whore and asked me if I "liked it."
It went on for years. I knew I was on my own.
And then all the other crap, over all the years. Same shit different day. Just kept my head down and survived.
But if anyone knew what was inside of me...the anger is like the molten core at Chernobyl....if I ever lost control of it it might destroy the world.
Don't forget, Rush Limbaugh is forced on the troops overseas on AFRN - the leadership feels it's
Edifying for the soldiers, leads them in the right direction, etc. and it's not like rape is a problem in the military or anything.....
Very upsetting and worrisome. You know this will become the next big thing for the RWNJ now -
Making rape legal and normal.
How low can these creeps go?
The right wingers will "ditto" this for sure. "Yeah, why is consent such a big deal? It shouldn't matter....I'm a man, I should be able to rape when I want to...."
This election season is really triggering me. And many others, I'm sure.
God I feel like I need to burn a huge sage smudge stick to rid our nation of all the bad spirits or something.
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