MiddleFingerMom's JournalRIP, heroes.
My heart goes out their families, friends and neighbors.
There IS an upside to all this "Surveillance" stuff.
I've started the process to get out today!!!!!
The doctor (the good one) has been by and is preparing my prescriptions and such.
The front office should be in with paperwork within an hour or so -- maybe.
I'll keep you informed here as I know.
I'm calling a taxi to get me home -- there should be a portable A/C unit for my
room. ABSOLUTELY necessary -- ABSOLUTELY. I couldn't have gotten it for
another 8 days through the Intertubes, but Kali kicked some major ass and
rassled me a unit that will be there this afternoon.
I am READY!!! Will keep you posted.
Going to post a video Tobias Funke-style.
I think I just blue myself.
MiddleFingerMom STILL thinks he should have won that "Lookin' Fabulous When Wet" competition.
If he ever gets a dog, MiddleFingerMom knows EXACTLY what his/her name will be.
Anyone with a secondary degree in Philosophy smoked way too damned much dope in college.
Bigotry & prejudice are everywhere. Treated like 2nd-class citizens and people just laugh.
Profile Information
Gender: MaleHome country: U.S.A.
Current location: Arizona
Member since: Thu Dec 31, 2009, 03:49 PM
Number of posts: 25,163