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hollysmom's Journal
hollysmom's Journal
December 24, 2014

"happy holidays" outrage

Yesterday I was wrapping presents for charity donations, I had just served an ex-Muslim getting Christmas and Hanukkah presents for his friends, I wished him a happy Holidays and the woman next in line Screamed at me that I should be saying Merry Christmas because it is an insult to the lord.
1. I do not like people screaming at me
2. I like making money for the charity in this store so I could not be rude
SO I simply assured the woman I would not wish her a happy holiday. That made her smile that self satisfied smile. Like she won. But in reality in silence of my mind I wished her a holiday ans happy as she deserved which should have been pretty bad. Thanks FOX news for making more people unhappy around the country for your stupidity.

I laughed when she said I was a good person after that - little did she know the evil I wished her.

December 4, 2014

subject: slandering my state

Last night I was doing a charity thing. I guess some people just think older people are stupid or something, I must look really old because this one woman kept repeating about "they" because it looked like she thought I did not understand, Oh I understood.

I was doing some charity work and you can see the disappointment in people's faces when they realize that you kind of would like a donation for providing a service to them. One of the people who comes up to wrap said she was moving from NJ to North Carolina when her older husband retires next year, So I asked where she was going to retire. She said the North Carolina Beach, so I snorted - not that it is not beautiful there, but I still remember how the state government made a law to ignore rising tides and for developers and city codes to go by the tide estimates of previous decades - so I just said she should make sure she was on on the ocean front. because of the laws of the state - and she asked where I lived and then told me to move because "they" were coming up the road to invade my town, They are coming from Newark she said, they are coming to take over your town. I said Alien invaders, trying to lighten it up, but she looked at me and said - do you know what I mean? Yeah , sure, I said - still think asking her or money was not the time to get into a race discussion, I said I knew, but she looked at me again and said I was going to lose my town. And then she mentioned my high taxes, well for my high taxes, I get a lot of services, 25% of the land is park land, my dog and I can take off in a lot of directions and hit one of 5 different parks in less than a mile, We have zoning laws, Santa visited our town at 3 different free events, there are all kind of things, a free senior bus, various health services (free bone scan, free blood pressure checks and help to gauge your own machine, free rabies shots for dogs, concerts in the summer, good schools, etc. lots of free things) Anyway a few more "they"s and she was done.

Which goes to what my sister says. the worst problem her state was from old NJ people moving to her state and not wanting to pay school taxes and being racist. This woman was so concerned about the cost of living up here, wait until she finds up one mayor in NC was walked to Washington because the state refused to expand ACA and hospitals are closing because of that. North Carolina is a beautiful state led by idiots now wanting to ruin it, but I would rather stay with NJ where I can walk places and do things even if I could not drive. May not be perfect, but it is good for me. And can hardly wait until all the people worried by "They" leave.

November 15, 2014

it is that time of the year again. looking for volunteer gift wrappers in North east NJ

I volunteer for a 501c3 charity and need some help wrapping presents in Barnes and Noble in exchange for donation to the charity, we usually earn a nice amount that helps the programs. If anyone has time, please send me a message and I can send you the dates and times. The locations I am working this year is Clifton, Paramus and Woodland Park. The selling point is that I can give community service hours for volunteering for an easy peasy job. wrapping mostly square gifts.

Thanks for considering it.


November 11, 2014

never forget from the VFW web site

[link:http://www.vfw.org/News-and-Events/Articles/2014-Articles/CONGRESS-PASSES-VETERANS%E2%80%99-BILLS/|CONGRESS PASSES VETERANS’ BILLS


But as encouraging as the pending legislation is came three no votes from Republican Sens. Bob Corker (Tenn.), Ron Johnson (Wis.) and Jeff Sessions (Ala.), because they put dollars and cents above the interests of the nation’s veterans.

“There is a cost of going to war that includes taking care of those who come home wounded, ill and injured, and if these three senators have determined that we can’t afford to properly care for our veterans, then they should seek employment elsewhere!” exclaimed VFW National Commander William A. Thien.
November 7, 2014

Just a moment of remembrance for the democrats who ran and lost

they begged people for money
they may have not been the most experienced politicians and were not perfect in every thing they said, They put their lives on hold to run for office, put hours of unpaid work in (as did their friends and family), they lived good lives that were torn apart with insidious insults flung out by their opponents and he secret whisper campaigns that are impossible to fight against. And they lost.

Then they get to be torn apart by fellow democrats telling them about all their mistakes and seeing their imperfection as character flaws and jumping to conclusions blaming them for things they did not do but others accused them of doing. Then the next election people will wonder why you can't get good candidates. They were out there and they lost because of all the money they had to fight against. Some times even at the school board level, you would be surprised at the money spent against them.

The only way to survive in the future, is not to be so quickly to tear our own candidates down, and live in a country where people care enough to vote and realize there will never be a perfect candidate for them,

September 16, 2014

whoo hoo - I have been investing in the wrong thing

I am making more money off my dishes than I ever made from stock Now I am regretting giving some things away as presents.

There used to be a Noritake outlet store near me, and I bought a lot of pieces I liked from there. and used them for years, now I am cleaning house because I have too much stuff and I am making money from selling this stuff off to replacements Inc. I can't believe that a set of dishes I bought and then never used is bringing me almost 1000. I spent a lot less on it, but I did tend to buy closeouts a recently retired things and they are in demand - who knew?

It helps that I visit my sister in North Caorlina , so can drive the items down there and not worry about shipping, but ccertainly worth doing!

August 14, 2014

the Republicans wanted the 50's back but the police in some cities seem to

want to recreate the police segregation riots.

as a child I had highly politicized parents. Dad marched with Walter Reuther and when I was 4 they made me watch the McCarthy hearings when I wanted to watch cartoons - they said it was history and I would thank them - actually all I remember is wanting to watch cartoons.
But I watched the news with them and saw the KKK marching down the streets as if they owned them. Sure they were immune for any prosecution, the police turning fire hoses on marchers. Yep, I remember something about cops not showing their badges. It went on through the 50's and 60's and seemed to go under ground or coded later in the 70's when the laws change, Heck when I started working in NYC in the end of the 60's it was still legal to discriminate by color in jobs and in housing. How young and liberal and righteous the country seemed then. Now it is back to the dark ages where my brother can tell me he hates black people and unions to my face (my father was a local union president and desegregated the local union and the local Elks. All I could say was that Dad would be so disappointed in him. My closest relative and I don't talk much. And he has young children.
every thing old is new again - has the tea party won?

July 26, 2014

here is the conundrum for me about Israel, Palestinians, the US and appropriate behavior.

WHile people are complaining about how Israel is treating Palestinians, and I admit to have done thatt now and in the past, how do we have the right to criticize (besides footing a part of the bill)?

We had 9/11 and used that to invade Iraq - a group of people who had nothing to do with 9/11. I cried when people cheered at shock and awe - they treated it like a fireworks show, and all I could think about was the hospitals, schools, museums and apartment buildings below, It was certainly not a targeted hit, we hit a lot of hospitals. We destroyed infrastructure so they could not bounce back and could never rebuild that same infrastructure, we left cities with little power and fresh water.

How is that civilized? or better or what? I am trying to put it in perspective and I can't.

April 7, 2014

David Wildstein met with federal prosecutors in Christie Bridge Probe

Source: Main Justice

can't copy.

Read more: http://www.mainjustice.com/2014/04/06/david-wildstein-meets-with-prosecutors-in-christie-bridge-probe/

I can't copy from the original article, b ut here is a report on the article
David Wildstein met for several days with federal prosecutors in Newark, report says
Shit meet fan,
David Wildstein, the former Port Authority official at the center of the George Washington Bridge lane-closings scandal, spent several days meeting with federal prosecutors in Newark last week, according to a report posted online by a Washington-based publication that says it covers “insider news” about the U.S. Department of Justice.

The publication, called “Main Justice,” is also reporting that Charlie McKenna, former chief legal counsel to Gov. Chris Christie, met secretly in mid-January with investigators in the office of New Jersey U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman.
The Main Justice report says Fishman’s group of prosecutors working the bridge-scandal case has grown beyond its original three. Fishman had assigned senior litigator J. Fortier Imbert and federal prosecutors Lee Cortes and Vikas Khanna, leaving for himself the job of making final decisions in the case, the report says. Fishman will consult with Thomas Eicher, head of his office's Criminal Division, first assistant William Fitzpatrick, executive assistant Sabrina Comizzoli and counsel John Fietkiewicz, the report says.

The hearing of grand-jury testimony in the bridge scandal is considered a major development. What began as a preliminary inquiry when U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman announced in January that he would try to determine whether any federal laws have been “implicated” has now morphed into a deepening criminal probe to decide whether federal laws have been broken.

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